Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Backpack Coffee Dispenser

AMERICAN GANGSTER Ridley Scott's new film scoops the box office USA

Parata di premi oscar per il nuovo film di Ridley Scott. L'autore di cult movie come "Il Gladiatore" e "Blad Runner" (recentemente presentato nella versione definitiva all'ultima mostra del cinema di Venezia). Protagonisti della pellicola Denzel Washington nei panni di un malavitoso di Harlem e Russell Crowe , l’investigatore che gli dà la caccia.

Sembra preannunciarsi un nuovo film gangster, but the narrative structure of modern and fast-paced (in the vein taken up and reworked by the master with Martin Scorsese "The Departed").

The cast also includes Cuba Gooding Junior.

The story is set in 1968 and promises to be very complex and intrigued, as well as having definitely the twist ending!

The idea of \u200b\u200bbringing together the protagonists during the boxing match of the century, Ali vs. Frazier is brilliant!

In America the film has grossed the second week of more than $ 80 million (46 million in its first weekend)

Trailer Movie (eng)

in Italy Release Date: January 18, 2008



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