Saturday, January 17, 2009

Toddler Hit In The Stomach

register The Council of Trent

Following the fracture occurred within the Catholic community through the preaching of Luther, Pope Paul III decided to convene a council.
The council, which was based in Trento, would be mandated to address the following issues.

Reaffirm the foundations of Catholic doctrine, in contrast to the Lutheran view.
reform from within the church, introducing greater discipline.
Return Christians to unity.

The work of the Council were held in three sessions. From 1545 to 1547, then 1551 to 1552, then 1562 to 1563.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbringing Christians to unity was soon abandoned the Lutherans refused to take part in the Council, which provoked a new conflict between the League of Charles V and Schmalkaldic (battle of Muhlberg, 1547).

On completion of work (1563) were issued doctrinal decrees, which are displayed below.

was confirmed the validity of the works to obtain of salvation.
was confirmed the Magisterium of the Church, rejecting the doctrine of sola scriptura Luther and arguing that there were two sources of revelation: Scripture and Tradition.
were re-elected the seven sacraments.
was reiterated the importance of the priestly order, as opposed to the Lutheran doctrine of universal priesthood.
was confirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation in the Eucharist ritual.

The council, by their demands for more discipline and presence of the clergy among the faithful, also worked out the following lines.

Obligation to conduct a seminar for each diocese to train clergy.
Prohibition of cumulation of offices.
Obligation tonsure of apparel and cassock, to distinguish the clergy from the laity.
requirement for priests to keep records of baptism and marriage in order to audit the company.

conclusion, one can speak of "Counter" if we examine the doctrinal decisions, as opposed to the Lutheran doctrine while at the same time one can speak of "reform" if we examine the innovations from the point of view of discipline, focusing on salus animarum, that the pastoral role of bishops and parish priests.


Filoramo, John-Menozzi, Daniele (ed.), History of Christianity . The modern age , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Prosperi, Adriano, The Council of Trent: a historical introduction , Torino, Einaudi, 2001.
Bonora, Elena, The Counter , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001.


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