Dominio assoluto nel primo tempo per gli arancio-neri
Nella ripresa la paura di vincere che si materializza
Succede di everything in the game between the Custoza Carbonara Trattoria and La Rana, the first time for men of stellar Mulinacci (6-2) and incredibly must succumb to the 5 'end for the 7-6. Final glowing with Mr. entering the referee in the dressing room (see photo , ed ), guilty of failing to whistle a penalty or a foul or solar Becker to be one in favor of his team. On Friday, the company UISP call for greater protection in the home games. Returning to the football player, the Carbonara was without the injured Betti, Tortorelli and and Cream unavailable the Friars, Cat , Bubo and Sasa but with the new acquisition Portierino , Terz Leo, an old acquaintance of Carbonara. Also recovered in extremis Re magus. The Mr. Leo fielded in goal, captain Pecchioni central defensive Piccio wing defensive and offensive wing Becker Bio center point. In the first half Carbonara ruled far and wide by setting the score 6-2 (3 goals of Bio , 1 and 2 Pecchioni Becker) and playing the best primo tempo della stagione. Nella ripresa purtroppo sprecava troppe reti e con il passare dei minuti aumentava la paura di vincere; il blocco psicologico creatosi contribuiva ad una sconfitta incredibile e solo sul 7-6 la Carbonara si scuoteva colpendo un palo con il neo entrato Sciacca .
Ecco le parole del mister : “ Innazitutto devo fare i complimenti a Leo che c’ha dato una grossa mano venendo a giocare in 2 gg e fornendo un contributo di notevole entità. Sulla partita dico che è colpa mia, non sono riuscito ad imprimere nei gioattori la cattiveria agonistica necessaria per giocare il secondo tempo. Vincevamo facile e l’abbiamo presa sotto gamba, non abbiamo ucciso gli avversari when it was time and then they that have both rightly punished. These losses are used to make us grow because 'we must change the mentality until last year we played to defend ourselves not to take to avoid bad impression, now we play all the way down, but in matches in which we are more' we crush the strong head and stay focused until the end. I take full responsibility but I'm sure not risbaglieremo attitude on the field. I believe in our means and I think that once changed the mentality is not there for anyone. The referee? You have all seen how he tanned, but I do not disqualify it was too bad faith .... Tomorrow you a call the palace! Now we have just broken! "
report cards of Zuliani
Portierino _10 Para the comparable and more! Boasts a performance from goalkeeper of another class. GATE
Pecchioni _6 from 8 in the first half, from 4 in the second half. He has the excuse of scacacio in pre-race which forced him all'IMODIUM
Piccio _6 as above, lacks the usual gollettino we were used. CURSOR
_6 Bartolo enters to give the defense manforte ROCKY
Becker _6 amazing first time in the second half missed a really easy goal. Wasteful
Re magus _6 usual usual determination and self-denial tactics. Short of the goal. UNCLEAR
_6 Collins has the opportunity to put on ice the match but failed to hit. He moves well between the lines. CENTRAL BOA
Bio _6 First time Messi falls dramatically in the second half and missing the shot ko. DOUBLE-FACE
Sciacca _6 UNLUCKY in the pile to grab the final that he could draw.
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