second consecutive win and 12 points Friday
'the assault on San Gimignano for a place in the first 8

La Carbonara shows off a great performance, the finale 11-6 against a weak opponent, never in the game thanks to the determination of which close gioattori the first time on the result of 8-2. Mister Mulinacci must do without injured last minute Collins and Bubo, the magus and Bruttins Re unavailable and long-patients Tortora Max and Leo Betti. He sees himself on the bench after one month and a half without even the punter Cream! With Bio by service, launched on 1 Mulinacci 'Pizzo Bomber that pays him back with 3 goals (we are only 5 goals in 3 games) to join Becker, for his achievements at the end of the race will be 3. The other networks will be Bio, Sasa, Peak (2) and a night porter who marks his first goal on a penalty kick in the historic Carbonara. The game against the Leoniabbestia has never been questioned, La Carbonara gave the results in hand by operating the second time beautifully. At this point a question arises: where will this get Carbonara? Among the first eight or gironcino will try to win the SCAC? The question we turn to Mr. : "First of all I congratulate the boys had a game to win and we did not suffer, we were cynical in the first and second time we ran the results, broken down on the break. As regards the request that we do not say all, we play our games to the last! We will go Friday 'to San Gimignano to win without fear. We know we face three difficult games but we tease, we want to score points, and especially a good impression sell life dearly. I think if we play like we know we can take away more rewarding. Would be an honor for us to enter the top eight but we are not hiding, saying that we play favorites in the SCAC gironcino .... We have an enormous potential, if we can express ourselves the best we can aspire to the title ".
report cards of Zuliani
Night Porter 10 and praise too, last night is unbeatable: para also learn! And it's also the goals coming on penalty of law in the ranking of OUTDOOR scorer
Pecchioni 7.5 The captain is not surprised by Fat poggibigonzese striker and play a great game from the breakwater, when the recovery comes a tarpanicchio looms as never before.
Piccio 8 We have written all over him, to exalt still we can say that yesterday evening the coach could not even keep him on defense because his physical condition allowed him to plow the field continuously. DRIVER
8 Becker's coming back to the highest levels, runs everywhere, scored a hat trick and if he learns to pass a little more 'carbonara wins TITULO .
Bio 7.5 He does not want to miss the important despite physical problems and is also overwhelmed by the efforts of opponents to the limit of the penal code and managed to score a great goal. STOICA
Pizzo 8 The striker does not betray, marks and signals, is growing more and more and the opponents have trouble. CYNIC at the right point
Bartolo 6.5 accumulated in the wet bench makes creaking but no regret and no one PRECIOUS to catch his breath in the defense.
Sasa 7 First time mat, much better after the break when signing to leave his mark second goal of the season. GENEROUS
Cat 7 fights as a LEONE in defense but can not get lucky in attack where the goal touches on several occasions. Will come 'soon ...
Cream sv. Try the leg in the heat but prefers to stay in the pits due to cold and wet. Will FIRST on Friday.
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