Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Difference Between Cervical Mucus And Discharge

shares of European cinema and the Italian SKY

Article 40 of the text of the 2008 Budget incorporates the Consolidated Broadcasting (which was also absorbed la Legge Gasparri ) estendendo l’obbligo di programmazione di film europei ed italiani anche alle tv a pagamento. Tale obbligo per le televisioni era stato inserito nel TUR per recepire la direttiva UE “TV Senza Frontiere”, che imponeva agli stati membri di regolamentare il panorama radiotelevisivo in termini di pubblicità, di tutela dei minori, di tansnazionalità dei servizi tv ma soprattutto introduceva quote di trasmissione di prodotti europei e quote obbligatorie di investimento in produzione di cinema da parte dei broadcaster. Fino ad oggi le televisioni con accesso a pagamento, con sottoscrizione di abbonamento quindi, non risultano vincolate a tale obbligo. SKY Italia infatti non è tenuta ne a trasmettere ne ad investire in cinema europeo o italiano, a differenza di Mediaset e RAI. La società di Rupert Murdoch ha però concluso un accordo con API ed UNPF per il quale è stato creato un sistema chiamato “escaletor”: SKY si impegna a comprare film italiani secondo delle soglie di prezzo minimo fissate in base a quanto tali film abbiano incassato in sala. L’impegno ovviamente è sul prezzo, non sulla certezza dell’acquisto.

RAI e Mediaset hanno diversi obblighi invece. Il gruppo pubblico deve trasmettere per il 20% del tempo netto (tempo di programmazione meno le news, lo sport ed altri servizi) prodotti europei di produttori non riconducibili ad imprese televisive e realizzati negli ultimi 5 years. 10% of its quota to be an Italian product. Mediaset is required instead of 10% of net time for such products in Europe and 20% of that in domestic products. In financial

is extended to the proportion of net time programming also SKY, with the same share of Mediaset.

is a different matter for the share in investment in domestic film production, which in its time has sanctioned the creation of RAI RAI Cinema and Medusa Film Fininvest (now also gone in the group Mediaset).

Here RAI TV and private have different obligations. The public licensee must invest 15% of the fees and revenues or purchase of audiovisual production in Europe. 20% of this amount should be addressed to the Italian market.

Individuals instead (again, excluding satellite transmissions) should invest 10% of their revenues with a share of 30% in Italian products.

This explains a part of the development of companies such as RAI Cinema, 01 Distribution (distribution company RAI) and Medusa Film, but also the great proliferation of fiction in our local national networks. This type of product in fact meets the definition of "audiovisual products" that the investment quotas require broadcasters.

Article 40 of the 2008 budget also would extend the obligation to SKY with a 10% share of investment. The law refers to revenue from "pay-TV offerings of non-sports programs in it (editor's note issuer) has editorial responsibility, including those disclosed or disseminated or distributed through distribution platforms of third parties ". This would require a Sky to invest the revenue received for allowing access to other operators that rely on structure to transmit SKY Italy (all the different satellite channels can not be reduced to the Newscorp group). The proportion allocated to the Italian product is 35%. According to some studies, this measure would increase by 35 million 50 million euro investment of SKY in Italian cinema. The group's response was that if the law enters into force, the agreement reached with the Italian producers for escaletor would decay immediately.

Regarding obligations to the telecommunications company, requested a loud voice from the representatives of trade associations and ANICA UNIVIDEO, everything sent to a regulation of the competent authority to be submitted within 6 months after entry into force of the law.


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