Monday, January 26, 2009

Fever Brown Discharge

The Tridentine ecclesiology

Nella seconda metà del XVI secolo, la chiesa di Roma costruisce una gerarchia ecclesiastica che verrà, in parte, rivista solo con il Concilio Vaticano II (1962-1965).
Nella riflessione del teologo Romolo Bellarmino (1542-1621) troviamo ribadita la superiorità del pontefice sul concilio, ciò che apre ad un rafforzamento della centralismo papale.

Se da un parte, come abbiamo visto , viene rafforzato il ruolo dei vescovi, dall'altra è proprio l'episcopato ad essere limitato dall'ingerenza del centro sulle periferie e sulle chiese locali. L'istituzione della visita apostolica, con la quale il papa poteva tenere sotto controllo lo stato delle diocesi, e della visita ad limina apostolorum mandatory for bishops, we have a first round of the Roman centralism. The imposition of

nunciatures, reorganized and strengthened during the pontificate of Gregory XIII (1572-1585), Rome comes into conflict not only with the bishops, deprived of some of their prerogatives, but also with the rulers, who saw in nuncios many people who can also deal with matters of civil nature.

The strengthening of the curia and congregations, real ministries subjected to a strong papal control, went hand in hand with the reduction of the cardinals to mere bureaucrats, stripped of any power of decision and execution.


Filoramo, John-Menozzi, Daniele (ed.), History of Christianity . The modern age , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Bonora, Elena, The Counter , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001.

Friday, January 23, 2009

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control over the company

The Tridentine, is emerging as a critical step towards the discipline and control of the company.
As we have stated , the discipline imposed on the parish was intended to emphasize the centrality of salus animarum in the new post-Tridentine church. The priests, trained in seminars and separated from the laity by the obligation of the tonsure and apparel cassock, were placed at the center not only the religious community, but even civil liability. The maintenance of parish registers had the primary purpose to control life, even private individuals.

A key role in the formation of the faithful were religious orders, which goes to underline the work of the Jesuits.
addition to the role of missionaries in the lands outside of Europe, the Jesuits played a fundamental role in so-called "Indie of the world", the rural areas where the Christian religion was commingled with magical and superstitious practices. The ministry is happening outside through devotional practices, characterized by great drama, through the stimulation of an intimate and spiritual devotion.
Finally, i gesuiti ebbero un ruolo fondamentale nelle cosiddette “paci”: opere di riappacificazione dei conflitti interni alle comunità locali, nell'ottica di una misericordia e di uno spirito di perdono, centrali nella religione cattolica.

In opposizione all'iconoclastia che caratterizzò alcune esperienze di riforma, fu sottolineata l'importanza delle immagini, da affiancare alla lettura delle opere sacre. In questo modo, secondo l'arcivescovo di Bologna Gabriele Paleotti, si sarebbe resa più facile la comprensione dei concetti ai meno colti.
Allo scopo di regolare la devozione verso le immagini sacre e verso i santi, verso la metà del XVII secolo fu istituita la Congregazione dei Riti.

Unitamente a queste pratiche, va ricordato però anche l'uso della coercizione e della forza. Nel 1542 Paolo III provvede alla riorganizzazione dell'inquisizione (bolla Licet ab initio ): nasce il tribunale del Sant'Uffizio. Nel 1564, viene redatto l'Indice dei libri proibiti. Infine, nel 1571, viene creata la Congregazione dell'Indice.
Per tutto il XVI secolo il Sant'Uffizio svolse un ruolo di opposizione verso l'eresia: si moltiplicarono in questi anni i roghi, come quello di Giordano Bruno nell'anno 1600. Dal XVII il Sant'Uffizio si occupò della regolamentazione dei comportamenti, condannando pratiche magiche, divinatorie, superstiziose. Questi furono anni di minore violenza, vista la possibilità offerta all'imputato to renounce, thus saving his life.


Filoramo, John-Menozzi, Daniele (ed.), History of Christianity . The modern age , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Prosperi, Adriano, The Council of Trent: a historical introduction , Torino, Einaudi, 2001.
Bonora, Elena, The Counter , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001.

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Construction of the first modern

The Council of Trent is a break in terms of quality and quantity of population registers. In fact, in Protestant countries as well as Catholics, the need for greater control on the community of believers led to the introduction of instruments to gain a more detailed composition.

The duty of pastors to record baptisms and marriages, had resulted in the birth issue of a modern, while the entry of the key stages of life - birth, marriage and death - in the parish became a religious horizon structure not only within the church, but of society itself.
In Italy the Tridentine is that imposes the obligation to keep regular records of baptisms and marriages (XXIV required under Council session on 11 November 1563), although in some cases, these requirements had been anticipated (as discussed in the specific case of the church under analysis in this research) and, in others, for many years rejected. Timing and mode of application of the council varied from area to area, from diocese to diocese, according to the zeal and personal conviction of the individual bishops and prelates of the same. It should also distinguish between a formal reception and substantial: if the first was often lacking, the second outcome was significant even when the official publication of the texts fail Trent.
read the words of Paolo Prodi: "The baptism registers of already widespread in large parts of Europe [...] are prescribed by the Council of Trent in the second of the decrees of reform of the marriage, immediately after the Tametsi , depending on the cognatic spiritualis (impediment of marriage) that develops between the godfather and the godson. The rules are implemented in all countries which implement the decrees of the Council. "

matter obtained a more organic arrangement with Rituale Romanum (1614), with which Pope Paul V reaffirmed the requirement that sixty years earlier and introduced the same for the burial registers and the states of souls.

Parish records are a valuable source for the study of population dynamics in history. Although often fragmented and scattered in territorio6, they act as true civil registry, at least until the end of the eighteenth century, when this task was assumed by the state. The statement, with the already mentioned Rituale Romanum, the same way in which these records were to be compiled, allowing historians and demographers now to access detailed and consistent series of population data d 'ancien regime .


Filoramo, John-Menozzi, Daniele (ed.), History of Christianity . The modern age , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Coppola, Gaura-Large, Casimira (ed.), counts of souls: parish registers and population: methodological issues and experiences , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1989.
Del Panta, Lorenzo-Rettaroli, Ross, Introduction to historical demography , Roma, Laterza, 1994.
Pasi, Antonia, Count men. Sources of demographic history methods topics, Milano, LED, 1992.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Toddler Hit In The Stomach

register The Council of Trent

Following the fracture occurred within the Catholic community through the preaching of Luther, Pope Paul III decided to convene a council.
The council, which was based in Trento, would be mandated to address the following issues.

Reaffirm the foundations of Catholic doctrine, in contrast to the Lutheran view.
reform from within the church, introducing greater discipline.
Return Christians to unity.

The work of the Council were held in three sessions. From 1545 to 1547, then 1551 to 1552, then 1562 to 1563.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbringing Christians to unity was soon abandoned the Lutherans refused to take part in the Council, which provoked a new conflict between the League of Charles V and Schmalkaldic (battle of Muhlberg, 1547).

On completion of work (1563) were issued doctrinal decrees, which are displayed below.

was confirmed the validity of the works to obtain of salvation.
was confirmed the Magisterium of the Church, rejecting the doctrine of sola scriptura Luther and arguing that there were two sources of revelation: Scripture and Tradition.
were re-elected the seven sacraments.
was reiterated the importance of the priestly order, as opposed to the Lutheran doctrine of universal priesthood.
was confirmed the doctrine of transubstantiation in the Eucharist ritual.

The council, by their demands for more discipline and presence of the clergy among the faithful, also worked out the following lines.

Obligation to conduct a seminar for each diocese to train clergy.
Prohibition of cumulation of offices.
Obligation tonsure of apparel and cassock, to distinguish the clergy from the laity.
requirement for priests to keep records of baptism and marriage in order to audit the company.

conclusion, one can speak of "Counter" if we examine the doctrinal decisions, as opposed to the Lutheran doctrine while at the same time one can speak of "reform" if we examine the innovations from the point of view of discipline, focusing on salus animarum, that the pastoral role of bishops and parish priests.


Filoramo, John-Menozzi, Daniele (ed.), History of Christianity . The modern age , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Prosperi, Adriano, The Council of Trent: a historical introduction , Torino, Einaudi, 2001.
Bonora, Elena, The Counter , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2001.