Saturday, February 26, 2011

Job Description For Preschool Consultant

Carrara: meno «cattedrali verdi» più spazi alla caccia

"I'd like to continue to hunt, as my father until the age of 84 years, but if we go on like this the first stop. "

said Senator Valerio Carrara on Sunday in the assembly's annual hunters Sedrina section to emphasize the bleak picture for hunting. "We must defend our passion - debuted Carrara - and reach an agreement with farmers so that we can keep an area suitable for viewing wildlife. Are wasted money to make "green cathedrals", rather than provide for the defense of our heritage, which also would require investments of a few hundred euro. " The assembly of shotguns

sedrinesi opened with the delivery of a plaque to the son of Mario Fustinoni, socio sedrinese association for more than twenty years, died last year. "Despite what has just ended was one of the worst years of hunting - said the president Gianfranco Fustinoni - our group has expanded to have 108 members. We have penalized the weather of recent months they have done to change course of the bird migration. In addition to problems associated with the exemptions allowed by Region and wildlife plans to renovate. "
"This year will drive away with the old plan of game - said Lorenzo Bertacchi, provincial president of Federcaccia -.

But in 2012 you will find an agreement between all interested entities to define the level of game. If the plan is pre-Alpine will lose 8,045 acres of land on which some 300 hunting and stalking. " "I thank all the hunters - Orpheus said Damiani, Councillor Hunt Valley Brembana of the mountain community - because despite the difficulties are the sentinels of our country." At the meeting there were also regional councilors, and Peter Charles Saffioti Macconi well the Provincial Council and the Secretary Matthew Malighetti scope subalpine Silvano Sonzogni.

Gabriella Pellegrini - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Sunday, February 27, 2011, page 37

Editor's note:

Probably the plate of the "sling" Senator Carrara, weighs more the possible contribution of hunters than the election of his countrymen.
The "Green Cathedral," one of the few contributions to the summer tourism in the Basin in recent years it has become, for the Parliamentary funding removed from the His passion "shooting." The inhabitants of the Basin
thank you!

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Presentazione Sentieri Partigiani 200709 R06

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: Presentation

Friday, February 25, 2011

Occupational Therapy Soap Notes

Addio al partigiano-fotografo

Yesterday at Villa d'Almè Battista Capelli's funeral, led the training on May Day Green Flames'
Immortal with tens of scatti la lotta armata nelle valli, soldati e mezzi militari. Ha lasciato un diario

La «Preghiera del ribelle» e un intenso applauso hanno dato ieri pomeriggio – nella chiesa di Villa d'Almè – l'ultimo saluto al comandante Velio, il partigiano Battista Capelli che dopo aver trascorso anni di sofferenze e stenti sui fronti russi e jugoslavi, ha dato vita nel 1944 alla formazione partigiana «Primo Maggio Fiamme Verdi», in azione tra la Valle Taleggio, l'alta Valle Seriana e il passo di Zambla.

Con Velio, che ha vissuto da protagonista la lotta di liberazione dal nazifascismo nelle valli bergamasche, se ne è andato anche un altro pezzo di storia partigiana. «Dobbiamo be able to read the story - he began his homily Father Enzo Viscardi, who concelebrated with the parish priest, Father Raphael Cuminetti - even through the people who made the history of our society. Baptist has always pursued the values \u200b\u200bof freedom, justice and peace, also giving a lot to our community with its long life lived to the full. "

Battista Capelli, class 1916, was a native of San Salvatore Almenno. He was only 21 when the day of his birthday, in 1937, was drafted in the second regiment of the Royal Horse Artillery Italian army. "He left for Ferrara - recalls his wife Louise Pesenti - and after several years of career military, in April of 1941 he was sent on the war fronts in Russia and Yugoslavia, from which he returned only in 1943. "
agonizing years, including hunger, fatigue and suffering, which has managed to document hair with a box camera he always carried with him. Hundreds of shots collected in a book, given to the press in 2005, depicting soldiers, landscapes, military and camps, women and children suffering faces, but also moments of the partisan struggle in the Bergamo valleys.

The camera has been the constant companion of the Baptist hair, but the pictures are not the only evidence that bequeaths to posterity. "His memory - say the daughters Silvana and Elizabeth - will be kept alive by a diary guerrain which reported everything that was going around and travel he did. He pinned everything on the notebooks blacks who had always kept with care, and has contended himself with an old typewriter. " In his diary

Baptist reported in detail every event that involved him. Like when you just come back from the front gave birth to partisan "May Day Green Flames' with the support of some fellow soldiers of the Valley Imagna. "At the end of the spring of 1944 - remember the eldest daughter Wilda - our father was ordered to go to Valley High Taleggio. He got into a bike and they waited for the launch of food, clothing and weapons from the Anglo-American air.

Then he was assigned to the area and the upper Valley Seriana Zambla.

is where the Baptist, as the battle of Velio began guerrilla warfare, which he continued until the Liberation, despite death threats to his family and the arrest of his sister Mary. His hiding place was never revealed: April 25, 1945 Velio managed to reach Bergamo and pull between two wings of the crowd in front of the prefecture.

Gabriella Pellegrini - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Saturday, February 26, 2011, page 47

What Type Of Subwoofers Should I Get For My Tahoe

"Moto in montagna: troppi pregiudizi"

Paolo Sesti, presidente della Federazione Motociclistica Italiana, risponde al Cai: non è vero che la montagna vada vissuta solo a piedi.

Paolo Sesti, presidente della Federazione Motociclistica Italiana interviene e replica alla lettera aperta del Cai che chiedeva un intervento di controllo e di sensibilizzazione per contrastare il danneggiamento dei sentieri da parte dei mezzi motorizzati che scorrazzano indisturbati in montagna (leggi la lettera del Cai).

L’obiettivo di salvaguardare il patrimonio della montagna e dalla sua rete sentieristica rappresenta uno degli obiettivi priority for Motoclub, affiliated to the Italian Motorcycle Federation, to promote nature tourism, historical, cultural, rural and agri-food, in full synergy with the environment as it is promoted by the CAI in the letter.
In particular, in the Province of Bergamo and around the country, are numerous events and amateur sports, with the conscious use of motorcycles, carry a significant contribution to the economy of the local community where, with the presence of fans in bike, you have the opportunity to make known the products which come from the mountains and the local natural attractions. The same

Motoclub Bergamo has made known il nome della sua provincia a livello Mondiale organizzando eventi titolati a livello internazionale sul suo territorio ma ha anche “esportato” la sua professionalità oltre oceano per contribuire alla gestione dei medesimi eventi in altri continenti portando ai massimi livelli il nome della Provincia che ha visto nascere campioni sportivi nella disciplina motorizzata “fuoristrada”
Tale contributo positivo però vede anche il mantenimento in vita della rete dei sentieri e delle mulattiere dovuto alla presenza delle escursioni motorizzate amatoriali che, prevalentemente, vengono effettuate sui tracciati più impervi e meno utilizzati dall’escursionismo pedonale.
In moltissimi casi di questi particolari tracciati, senza the presence of motorcyclists, it would lose usability, memory, and with it the rural history of the territory which they were born.
The reports of our members report in fact situations increasingly apparent acceptance of hiking driven by real local people, governments see the presence of positive events taking place that enhance the area so that, for the same if they get sponsored by the administrations themselves.
From the standpoint of safety have been situations where the presence of motorcyclists has been key to the salvation of mushroom hunters or lost people that were found before it was too late.

From the ethical standpoint, however, can be less shared the view expressed by the CAI of the need to approach the mountain on foot to "enjoy all the physical and spiritual that gives us" because there are ways and situations compatible with mountain that does not necessarily exclude the use of modern equipment.
Climbing the mountain, the lifts for skiing, the presence of mountain huts (among many other things managed by CAI), mountain biking, paragliding, horseback riding, allow people to experience the mountains, however, provide exploitation of fossil fuels, the use of motor vehicles per avvicinarsi alla montagna, la presenza significativa e permanente di infrastrutture che probabilmente sono molto più incisive sull’ambiente montano rispetto all’escursionismo motorizzato.

Per il frequentatore della montagna in moto o a piedi la possibilità di trovarsi in un contesto naturalistico incontaminato è prevalente rispetto all’esigenza di mutare le caratteristiche dello stesso per creare condizioni di utilizzo in altri modi della stessa montagna.
Per natura però lo spirito di tolleranza che ci contraddistingue non ci porta a pensare che l’uso etico della montagna sia esclusivo solo di una determinata porzione di persone e solo per un fine esclusivo.
Certo, siamo consapevoli che un uso indiscriminato half of the motor can be critical, in fact, this Association is activating specific initiatives aimed at mitigation of possible impacts arising from road motorcycle on a natural background.
primary objective is therefore the reduction of emissions from motor vehicles, the public share of the sporty nature of part of the engine that finds its precise location within the activities of CONI, the promotion of scholarships aimed at creating a new figure of experts who can generate more solutions aimed at reducing the potential impacts that would be created by the indiscriminate use of motor vehicles. We are confident that what
represented by a note of the CAI is due to an incomplete picture of the context of the use of mechanical equipment in the mountains, unfortunately, probably due to an ethical vision that takes into account certain aspects of that ruling, in fact, is not reflected among people who "live "and know the mountain and the land.

Network, upon approval of the Document of the Central Committee in 2006, the CAI promulgated a survey on the use of motor vehicles that saw a net benefit to the consumer than those who were opposed. Nevertheless this
Federation stands ready to open consultation with interested bodies a time for discussion and consultation about of motor vehicles in the mountains with the aim to share a path of further improving the sustainability of our sports and hiking in motion.

Paolo Sesti

Bergamonews - February 24, 2011

Magic Stat, Thermostat

Sitting on a pile of toxic waste

illegal deposits of waste chemical distributors to be dismantled, but for debugging there is no money

Sitting on a pile of toxic waste
Sudmilano Between Lodi and there are 43 contaminated sites
I " holes blacks' share rose to 43, because in addition to the 25 reclamation required in the Lodi area, there are also 18 actions in Sudmilano. A map made of poisons and money that you rotate around to the point guard to raise the institutions to avoid the long arm of the Mafia. The newly formed provincial committee against the gangs can not help but keep on your toes and also in terms of rehabilitation of areas more inquinate.Per regarding the Lodi area, most of the land to rehabilitate have been employed by companies (mostly chemical) or fuel distributors, from Sun Chemical Sordio Ex Sael of Lodi, by Agip in Via Sant 'Angelo in the capital of Akzo Nobel Fombio from Prochisa of Casaletto being of Casalpusterlengo. In Sudmilano, instead, to do the lion's share is San Julian, where they are needed renovations 5, including 3-point fuel sales, followed closely by Carpiano that counts 4, such as a diesel fuel spill occurred in 2006. Then add 2 list respectively reclamation in San Donato (Pirelli Cables and Systems and the area De Gasperi West) Peschiera (two sites for the Storage Hub at the airport of Linate), Mediglia (Agip Oils and Ca 'del Lambro) and Cerro (and former House Gazzera Saronio). In Sydney there are over six hundred ecological bombs, in addition to 1,535 sites "potentially" which are being polluted on some checks by the municipalities and the region. The worst it in Milan, where the map of poisons marks 122 and 363 contaminated areas being examined, 209 are those healed. Only last year the city saw the case burst-Montecity Santa Giulia, the prosecutor's office opened an investigation into illegal dumping, illegal disposal of waste and poisoning water groundwater in the area where they worked in the past, Montedison, a manufacturer of pesticides and insecticides, the steelworks and other industrial Redaelli. Among the suspects are also the "king of reclamation" Joseph Grossi.Già late last year was the controversy erupted over the resources available to address the chapter on debugging in Italia.Secondo numbers released by the Sole 24 Ore, in fact, the stability law provided for a cut of three billion across the country, a scissor kick for Lombardy was around 370 million, with an allocation of about 10 million by the Pirellone entire game for the year 2011. As is known, however, rehabilitation "holes blacks" requires high figures, in favor of interventions that can last for decades. Since remediation may sometimes require an investment of over € 100 million, it is impossible that a regional government can take responsibility by itself without involving the private sector. In short, the issue is complex and delicate area, especially as hiding behind an incredible turnover. And for this reason is likely to attract the attention of the thighs, ready, even in the north, to get their hands on the goose that laid golden eggs. Source The Citizen

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lump In Neck Elevated Platelets

Gorno al voto - Manovre al via per il listone

At the next elections

is not excluded Gorno that the next election may submit a single list, although it is still early to say the last word. It appears that the project to create a single group is gaining strength. On the other part is not yet clear whether the incumbent mayor and his men are willing to sit back, move on their own or become part of the project. The company
group several forces has been attempted in 2006 by the then deputy mayor Walter Quistini Calegari, but failed in its intent. "We opened our project to all the forces of Gorno - hence the current minority leader Vittorio Borland - both groups is to party representatives. This project is based on some basic principles: honesty and open government and the fact that the village of Gorno is not enough in itself. " Giampiero Calegari, the outgoing mayor, on the PDL area, not può più ripresentare, essendo ormai al termine del suo secondo mandato. Non sono ancora chiare le sue intenzioni. Non si può ancora quindi escludere nulla.

Si punta sui giovani
Dall'altra parte sembra invece che la costituzione del gruppo sia già a buon punto. «Puntiamo molto anche sui giovani – spiega Borlini –, abbiamo già anche alcune donne, anche se è sempre difficile riuscire a coinvolgerle». Maggiori dettagli arriveranno solo la prossima settimana. Nella partita si inseriscono però anche i partiti.

La sezione locale del Carroccio è stata commissariata dopo le dimissioni del segretario Attilio Zanotti. Alla guida del movimento è stato nominato Bruno Bosatelli, segretario della circoscrizione 20 della Valle Seriana. «In questi giorni abbiamo incontrato gli uomini del partito – spiega Bosatelli –. Ora stiamo lavorando a una lista insieme al Pdl. Sarà un progetto che potrà abbracciare anche altre espressioni della comunità, non si esclude nemmeno l'ottica di un unico raggruppamento. Potrebbe essere un bel progetto per il rilancio del paese». «Il nostro unico punto fermo per ora è l'alleanza con la Lega Nord – afferma il coordinatore degli enti locali provinciale del Pdl, Paolo Franco –, le altre valutazioni saranno secondarie alle condivisioni dei programmi».

Due milioni di lavori
Intanto a Gorno l'amministrazione City is completing several construction sites in the country, for a total of about 2 million €. "I'm the mayor until the last day - said Giampiero Calegari -. I try to close some important work. We are completing the coverage of the structure eco-museum with ancillary services (amount of work about 400,000 euro). We are finishing the work of the mule track to via degli Orti (480,000 €). "
'Within two months - he adds - the new aqueduct will be ready (the amount of € 666,000 is out of the region and Uniacque). A few days ago, work began for the provision of square Villassio (per 150,000 €) and it is working mines Costa Jelsa and Rice Parini, where they were invested about € 400,000. But above all, we are waiting to leave the bike path is now fully funded and fully authorized. "

Filisetti Andrea - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Friday, February 25, 2011, page 42

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dry Shampoo For Dark Hair

Il Giro scalda la valle. Nottate e balli in rosa

the May 21 in San Pellegrino and Serina
shows up late for the stage two kilometers of 26 T-shirts before

A "pink night" of music and events in San Pellegrino and Serina, but also two miles of pink t-shirts to accommodate cyclists, and then running and racing on two wheels, blow-ups of our samples, competitions for the windows, a postmark, menus, and even a "dance in pink."

Brembana Valley is preparing to stage of the Tour of Italy on 26 May: Morbegno departing from and arriving in San Pellegrino after 152 km. Stage which will come from Bergamo in Cisano moving on to the Upper Town, Albino, Ganda, Cornalba, Serina, Serina Costa, arms, and San Pellegrino Zogno (change in front of the Grand Hotel and opposite the arrival hall). Yesterday morning, the Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo , the District of trade "and Fontium mercatorum ', which contains San Pellegrino, Serina Costa Serina, arms and Over the Hill, presented the event at the Giro. He also decided the efforts of the local committee of San Pellegrino, composed of communities and associations.

Stores open at night
"The stage - said yesterday the commissioner of Commerce of Costa Serina Brozzoni Nadia - will also be an opportunity to support business activities and, generally, to revitalize our country . The "Pink Night" scheduled for the weekend before the race, will be the central event. "
On May 21, San Pellegrino, are scheduled musical events and beyond, and the party will continue after midnight Serina . Con i negozi che saranno aperti fino a tarda ora.
«Ci sarà poi un concorso per le più belle vetrine dei negozi – ha aggiunto Brozzoni – e i ristoranti proporranno menu "in rosa". E stiamo pensando a sconti speciali a chi si presenterà nei negozi vestito di rosa».
Quindi le iniziative messe in cantiere dal comitato di San Pellegrino, alcune in collaborazione anche col distretto del commercio.

Gigantografie e «maggio rosa»
Le strade d'ingresso a San Pellegrino, per due chilometri, saranno colorate da magliette rosa, sul viale Papa Giovanni saranno posizionati stendardi rosa, quindi gigantografie dei campioni dello sport di San Pellegrino (Gotti, Acquaroli, Angiolino Quarenghi, but also Coppi and Bartali). Hundreds of hands
inflatable pink will be distributed to children, then there will be a postmark and is defining the May sports 'pink': 8, a foot race for boys, 15 a downhill race, a bike race 21 , 22 the "Ten hours of sport and solidarity" and the "Great dance in pink" at the casino.

Ghisalberti John - Thursday, February 24, 2011 PROVINCE, page 40

The Agitator By Diego Rivera

Silvio Mua'ammar, Ruby and many other camels. Steve King and Jester

Silvio said nearly so "I told him to Colonel, now look what the boys have the internet, have a profile on Facebook and they do not kill any more, because they are based identity and a Second Life" and he "Knight I am not a president, I am a leader, the crowd loves me and who loves me not lose their hands. If you do not lose me lose in the name of Allha which is much tougher than me. "
Our evil is Berlusconi. We want freedom for the Libyan people and want them all to our house, that is, not really, my neighbor has many rooms he could also serve as an Egyptian and a Tunisian family. We do not
affecting the older we are interested are young people of any race. We are interested in protecting the environment and the love of the group. We are children of the flowers and the flowers do not want us, we use Indian hemp. Become poor if we do not care as long as it was always sustain us. Berlusconi in Libya late on, perhaps only one will win consolation prizes and perhaps participate in the extraction of a 500 full of oriental tissue. He had andargli against immediately, even if we are out of gas we do not care nothing and do not even want it to Putin. We are friends of Al Qaeda when they take the Americans and enemies when stoned women. We go to church and kill the children if you need a sacrifice or fathers if you need money. We want the opposition to the government and the opposition of the opposition. We are always consistent in going against everything from anywhere in the European Union is also in a roundabout or a seminar of the FAO. No longer know when they are hypocritical when they are not. I broke the balls all the moralists and amoral. I'm sick of camels, humps, boobs and pyramids. I know how to post sucks but the moment is not the best.
In Egypt they did not want what they had and now no longer have even that.
In Libya there are the New Caliphate headed by the exiled of Guatanamo. In Afghanistan it was too difficult to navigate. Make a base of operations to Lampedausa, or almost, it would be ideal. Saranno aiutati dalle crocerossine della croce o della rossa magistrata e magistratura. Noi accettiamo qualsiasi cultura e religione, sono gli altri che non lo sanno e se ne fregano e diranno a noi cosa fare e cosa non fare. Vedo già le fedelissime di Nilde in burqa.
Sono in delirio la situazione lo impone.

La foto in testa al post è stata scattata a Tripoli da un manifestante con il cellulare. Documenta le bombe italiane su Gheddafi.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nappy-cake Decoration For A Baby Shower

Eroica away!

Last night a handful of men, 6 for the accuracy and in alphabetical order: Hill, Friars, Magi, Mazzeschi, Mulinacci, Pannini, were presented to Customs against the league leaders after 55 km ( see photo, Ed ) and under the deluge from first to last minute. The tactic was centered in defense nell'arroccamento the only hills in front. Unfortunately we were unable to avoid defeat (5-0) limited the damage but we have a benefit showing off all heart and determination!!

A special thanks to the participants to travel longer than did their utmost not to lose the penalty points that we were getting in their absence. This point will be crucial if you arrive with the same points in torneino the SCAC. So honor the heroes of customs!!

And now all focused on the SCAC tournament that has eluded us as to our range!!

W La Carbonara !!!!!

torneino In order to win we need the effort and the presence of all the training that will be the Next two weeks: Monday and Thursday.

you look at the field Monday for 19.45 hours.

let me know vs presence

hello, peter

Cover Letter For Clothing Shop

It 'going to end well ... 15

.... the first part of the championship. The 11th place is very close to us (see photo , ed ), are worth much more.


7 GAMES ONLY if we go on our door FIELD FOCUSED, MOTIVATED and aggressive acting as a team.


Gas Stations Near Me With Glory Holes


Girone A
STROVE ASD - San Gimignano 5-2

Booked: Vincent Giaquinto (San Gimignano), Antonio Grillandini (ULIGNANO).
reminder: Leonardo Fioroni (ULIGNANO).

Ranking Points For Thurs Vin Par Goals: Fat Sub
CD 1 - CUSTOMS KING FISH BORGOBASSO 27 15 13 1 1 98 52 3 2
- ELEGANT 25 15 12 1 2142 56 5
3 - GS Romituzzo BAR 24 15 11 2 2 98 33 17
4 - MERCY POGGIBONSI 23 15 10 3 2 5 83 39 12
- STROVE ASD 22 15 10 2 3 79 6 54 12
- MONTICIANO 18 15 7 4 7 4 96 76 15
- treatment. THE FROG 16 15 6 4 5 72 71 1 8
- San Gimignano 15 15 7 1 7 59 51 3 9
- ULIGNANO 13 15 6 1 8 58 76 3
10 - RIST. FROM THE OGRE 13 15 5 3 7 74 68 5 11
- CARBONARA 12 15 5 2 8 76 78 0
12 - THANK YOU AND THE CO. 12 15 4 4 7 61 69 4 13
- Casole d'Elsa SOCCER 10 15 5 0 10 51 74 3
14 - LEONIABBESTIA 6 15 3 0 12 70116166
15 - MISS PIZZA'S 2 15 1 0 14 54 120 9
16 - ROCK FACTORY 1 15 1 0 14 32 170 7

Published 19/02/2011 FOOTBALL LEAGUE in Siena SIENA UISP
Disciplinary Committee

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Curing Salt For Jerky

Purtroppo i ruoli si stanno invertendo. I comici si rifanno ai padri della patria e i governanti raccontano barzellette. Altri segnali sconfortanti vengono dalla piazza. When a government sends his "base" in the square to make the wave of support, look where we are just whistling applause.
I seem to be in Libya, where Gaddafi sent to parade his "supporters" to show that the people are with the regime. Gaddafi prepares to migrate to Italy, and finally we will stop giving money to the state, to buy (maybe) on investments (in Italian companies) to some of our. Mubarak (if not die first) in Germany and so on. Each European country if they take one. Arcore maybe it will be a suburb of Brussels. In Belgium and Holland are more permissive, not the Pope to the ribs.
E 'concern that a comedy arrives in San Remo or about 20 million Italian speaking of the "resurgence" "wake up! Dreams come true only if you wake up." It 's a self-evident truth, but perhaps a sign that discontent is suppressed to uncork.
seems to be back in the days of leafleting of "Viva VERDI" , otherwise it is said that that freedom is not granted permits.
I wonder to what extent the knight, you think to stop a contrary opinion to him now? Rightly or wrongly, however, his figure is degraded. Perhaps its strength from the garbage is still rampant as either right or left.
I worry. I'll have to see me about the tanks in the square 5 Days in Milan??
If I read the story, the answer is all too obvious.
There is a real leader in opposition, but when people are tired there is even more appropriate, and that is dangerous for everyone, including valleys and ceremonies. For goodness sake, you close access to the Piazzale Loreto long as it is on time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Zeb Atlas Mark Dalton

crops, looting thieves do not stop: come into a house and steal the car

Where does the Mayor of Colturano ?

From Citizen of 18/2/2011: More raids on the night between Wednesday and Thursday, under cultivation. Taking advantage of the owners, thieves have grabbed a Volkwagen Polo kept in the garage of a house. The owner, who has not discovered until the return has been the victim of a robbery, he immediately called the control room of 112, which brought in place the core of mobile policemen and Melegnano who could only see the removal of veicolo.Si This umpteenth foray along the axis of Sordio-Bettolle, targeted by one side and the other Colturano Mediglia and Triginto. In the latter period, there were multiplied because most attempts at intrusion into houses, even three, all in Balbiano foiled thanks to the residents and the rapid intervention of the police and local police officers. We could not however prevent a robbery against a car, who attacked the roundabout on the main road, was seen carrying away his new Mercedes.A Triginto were seen strange movements at the civic center, with someone who has been introduced the perimeter of the structure but it appears that the burglary did not attempt to enter the civic center. " Culture - says the mayor Giovanni Cariello - compared to other towns to enjoy the moment of a period of calm. It is worth emphasizing. We pay considerable attention to safety and awareness on this front we Melegnano the police station, asking for a greater presence here, and we have got effective responses. The patrols are there and see you around. Then with the consortium of North Lodi local police patrols are planned target. It is clear that this is a period that is' special, but security is guaranteed in every case. " Citizen of the source

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Dog Dragging His Back Legs

Steve has always been nice to me unlike Bill.
Bill copied to throttle and was able to patent everything, including a sequence of keys on your keyboard. Hateful for that too.
I always saw Steve as a creator, an innovator, a pioneer I've never had one of his contraption, question of costs and programs, but I should have, for the joy of music and drawing. He had and gave Steve. He did, was released and returned to Apple. Today I read that it will not make it, seems to remain six weeks, less than a divine miracle. When and if it happens, maybe I'll cry. Yet money has done, is not a poor man who is compassionate, but life and death, after all, remain the same (say Guccini), and they are far from everything we rush to make ground.
want to remember him Steve, with his eyes half boy from an oratorio and a half from insurance salesman with his Stark Delicious apple in his hand. The same apple Biancaneve, la regina delle mele, così gustosa e così avvelenata. Tutte le storie hanno una fine, ma questa mi  piacerebbe durasse ancora molto tempo. Era nato a fine Febbraio, Steve. Un pesce, un pesce sempre fuor d'acqua. Non per questo in affanno, ma fuor d'acqua a cercare correnti nuove.
Se fossi li non saprei che dirti Steve, potremmo darci del tu per età, ma la cosa non faciliterebbe il dialogo. Credo che attaccheresti tu il discorso e magari mi faresti vedere qualche meraviglia in serbo per il creatore.
Ci sono uomini, che, mi sembra impossibile abbiano una fine e tornino piccoli come tutti. Steve, questa è la tua battaglia più importante e voglio ancora sperare tu non l'abbia persa a dispetto di quello che i tuoi medici dicono. Voglio sperare tu riesca a risolvere da solo quel baco, che comunque, in ogni cosa è ineluttabile ci sia.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Enlarge Maxx Cock Growth

the festival of Sanremo

Non mi è piaciuto. E' il festival del San Remo, delle palate al governo.
Se potevo aver dubbi su quello che diceva Ferrara (che non mi piace ma certe volte, devo convenire, ha ragione), adesso, ne ho la certezza. In Italia quel che non si riesce a fare in politica o con la magistratura, lo si fa con il gossip. Fortuna che mi ero goduto Van De Sfroos, (concordo con l'Osservatore Romano, è l'unico che non ha interpretato himself, and he had enough). Just Flack's name and in fact, riding the student protest, and is the worst performer himself, best friends Emma wins at this point.
This festival is political. The call of a Lombard to go against the incomprehensibility of his dialect, detached from the rest of Italy as the dialectic of the League, all'antiberlusconismo at all hours. Berlusconi pathetic, pathetic people who goes against him without offering anything, and now comes Benigni.
After all, the official language of the song has always been to the Bourbon and Savoy, the rest is always turkish or Austro-Hungarian Empire, not to mention (of course) i fratelli Cervi.
Non ci sto.
Quando o visto Luca e Paolo (diventati loro a Mediaset), e i faccioni di Fini e Berlusconi ho spento (mi sono chiesto "a questo punto, perchè non anche Bossi?"). Apprezzo più a camera Cafè (che alle Iene) i primi, e a Ballarò, Anno Zero, Zelig ecc. ecc. i secondi (Fini e Berlusconi ... meglio specificare).
Tutto era previsto. E' telegiornale, non satira ne canzonette. Si stanno preparando tutti a scendere dal carro Mediaset.
La satira contro il potere va bene, al potere molto meno. Il potere è televisivo e la politica fa satira. Così non no fun and no roast.
I feel it, the final evening sing also Bertinotti
"I statalizzerò"
Cologno Monzese will be annexed in Sesto San Giovanni. There will be the looting of the empire of the vanquished and the rape of the tissue. If the brothel is on the right is called prostitution in the high board, if it is left to the free sharing of the proletarian mass grave.
Viva Battisti, Battisti premier.
Viva Fidel Castro ... Batisti if the goods do not behave.

But the woman can only have dignity left? This is political racism.

PS The more I think more I believe that the basis of the revolt in Egypt and America. Sacrificing his friend to kill all the enemies ... and without a lot of songs.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Orbital Diagram Bromine

discovered the recipe for Coca-Cola unveiled the secret ingredient

The recipe for Coca-Cola is one of the most closely guarded trade secrets in the world locked in a bank vault in Atlanta, U.S., with only two employees of the U.S. giant, one at a time, allowed to know the ingredients. But now the secret is collapsed. The recipe was discovered by U.S. Thisamericanlife site in a newspaper of 1979.
Secret revealed, then, 125 years after the arrival of the Coca-Cola on the market, at the hands of the pharmacist John Pemberton: The site has in fact traced to an article published 32 years ago by a local newspaper in Atlanta, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, where, on page 28 to see the list of ingredients and their doses.
-RECIPE The recipe was written by a friend of Pemberton, describing how the ingredients of Coca-Cola are "natural flavors, including caffeine, along with carbonated water, sugar, acid phosphoric acid and dyes. " The formula also contains the exact doses of the wood required to obtain the secret ingredient of Coca Cola, referred to as 7X. Despite representing only 1% of the drink, in fact, is precisely to give the famous drink 7X its unique flavor.
The site has therefore asked the historian Mark Pendegrast, author of a history of drink, to assess the authenticity of the text: "I think it's definitely a version of the formula." If it were true, it would have revealed the secret formula of one of the most prestigious brands in the world. Source Affaritaliani

Manual Culinare Rocket Chef

looms the shadow of the Rock Tem

Grafting della nuova bretella sarà oscurato da un bosco d’alberi  .
Effetto Tem anche a San Giuliano Milanese: la pubblicazione del progetto definitivo dell’autostrada lambisce il territorio di rocca Brivio con l’intervento ambientale speciale fra la Vettabbia e il Lambro. Gli elaborati consultabili da alcuni giorni al sito fanno chiarezza anche sulla “mitigazione paesaggistica” nel corridoio che taglia il margine sud del comune di San Giuliano. Proprio dove è previsto il tracciato della “bretella” Cerca-Binasca. Se le prescrizioni del progetto definitivo saranno attuate integralmente - cosa ritenuta a rischio da diversi osservatori - da rocca Brivio non si vedranno né the ring, or the nearest melegnanese strap. The connection Binasco 40 sp-39 Search result fact masked by a series of tree grafting that can embrace in their development along the interactive maps online. The engagement of the strap with the current roundabout of Via Emilia, north of Melegnano, it will be obstructed view of the Rocca Brivio dall'infoltimento of residual forest that survives between Melegnano and San Giuliano, in parallel with the development of channel Vettabbia. Of course it will take a bit 'of years, because the plants do not grow all at once, but it is interesting to note that the final draft Tem provides almost double the area of \u200b\u200bwoodland on sangiulianese agricultural side of the plot to the north of the district melegnanese Montorfano. The first section of the strap seems to "shadowed" for all who look to rock Brivio, and most obvious result melegnanese side. Here is scheduled to enter a simple tree belt, slimmer, developed in parallel to the road embankments. It does not seem to find more space instead of the pedestrian bridge (suggested in recent years), to enter the fortress from the Melegnano Montorfano, without going all the way Emilia or the Trail of the Giants. The first of the two bridges will cross the suspender melegnanese Vettabbia over an artificial reef formed by boulders located on the banks. Then the second part of the connection sp39-40 run time baptized by next pedestrian axis "Trail of the Giants." The attack of the road beyond the Vettabbia, a growth of woodland took place, it will still not visible from the windows of the fortress. The slip-Binasco Search will begin to run outdoors, without a buffer environment, only the last kilometer, which is the transit of the second bridge (the one of the Lambro) and the graft before Colturano . Please read carefully - by the future directors also sangiulianesi-action pedestrian on the Path of Giants: a part will be paved will have a bridge over the River Lambro and connect, and between Vizzolo Colturano , the current cycling along the Addetta.
Source The Citizen

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vietnamese Wedding Favors

Today February 14, Valentine's Day.

Silvio is also in love (with himself) for this propose, now becomes the party, not the usual kiss from chocolate, but the pride of the kiss for a fee. So that'll give you a kiss to 18% cocoa or 18 carat difference? Prostitution is always. Also, to remit to the attention, the branches of rooms (bedrooms or else I think makes little difference) because the proposal by MPs is not always like autumn leaves on the trees. We can not make a revolt in Egypt for a plum! It sbellicherebbero laughter even those dell'ortomercato Milan Corvetto.
need dignity. If its not abandon him, risking everything in the next election, you have to wait and propose something different. Mubarak now does not count anymore, and then Ruby has no protections. We do not have a leader from exile abroad to return to Italy. Do not speak of Baptists that I'm there. No Bersani. Battisti no!
But because today is St. Cyril and Methodius and Valentino? One reason there will be things we need methods in programs and not always in Cyrillic.

PS I no longer write at night, I write all things rambling ... Silvio sure that with all the lifting that has done more than go forward and pull the skin ... I can not understand why so much pull in the dance of geriatricians??

PS Yes, but you are going to explain these things to a communist ... it makes for a minimum of mess, and do not talk about values \u200b\u200bin Italy and now we have only to Cayman.

step today to bring kisses to everyone, because everyone deserves a kiss, again, ... at least in the bottle when it was shipwrecked far from the world.

Lifetime Fitness Cost

February 13, "Women's Day pride." Angelica slave of the Orient.

Angelica - Slave of the East.
Anne e Serge Golon
Editore Garzanti
dimensioni 11,5x18x1,5
peso ???? (lo metto domani) (peso 153gr. nonostante il successo, il libro era di poco peso)

Come in tutti gli episodi delle migliori soap opera, il libro comincia con il riassunto delle puntate precedenti. Il Re Sole è ancora bambino, ma la bellissima e intraprendente Angelica di Sancè si da da fare di suo (chi vuole intendere intenda).  Purtroppo, viene data, ancora giovanissima, in moglie a un ricco signore di Tolosa, il conte Peyrac, zoppo e sfigurato, ma uomo geniale, che accusato di stregoneria è condemned to die at the stake ... seems to be the biography of Silvio.
No, no, no. I'm there. Good thing tomorrow is the day of Platonic and Nutella, so we balance the sackcloth and antipeperone today.
lucky that a year has only 365 days, otherwise the Smemoranda would not be enough to record all the festivals. In the square there were
Rosy Nichi and discarded in the selection of showgirls strip everything possible to Arcore.
Silvio I do not condone, but it is one thing a day of Nigerian or Ukrainian deportees on the streets of Padania other account is that of the girls via Olgettina. It is to be chiedersi se il piacere sia stato più quello di Silvio o delle ragazze che palpavano nelle loro mani moneta come non mai.
Facciamo una giornata a favore dei sette nani e non sempre a lodare sta badante di Biancaneve.
Sono un bieco uomo da marciapiede, lo so e lo confesso. Per tre mesi ho aspettato la locomotiva al binario uno, che da Asso andava a Milano Cadorna. Mai una volta che fosse arrivata da sola, sempre tutti i buchi occupati. Poi io non riesco ad aspettare tutti i giorni, non impaziente ma nemmeno metodico. Non ho mai aspettato una donna. Non posso dire "aspettato" perchè aspettare prevede comunque un arrivo. La lei di turno, non è mai arrivata. E' frustrante wait even longer to see the flight of the pigeon deleted. When women have always come between the head and neck. Guillotines I would say, cut off from the breath. Poison such as carbon monoxide, not kill her, it takes away all the oxygen to live, before you know it, you have all the pillow in his mouth, needless beating, it's too late. I confess I am a male chauvinist pig man. A man like all men. I am glad to belong to my species. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, but there is no box of chocolates that does not conceal a harbinger of spresunto jar of prunes.
No women, there I am. I'm with Silvio. I'm with the Gelmini ... just for today.
Yes, I understand your reasons, I will repeat the March 8, but you can not mix the pride the gurgling and grumbling about not being selected in the fifth because of braces.

PS To all the women.
I wrote this post just to box, only to have a lot of comments, fly over, it was not my true intention, I'm not really a pervert or a totally unfortunate.
God, to be honest, I'm sorry, but I am imprisoned by my cultural background, the oratorio, which prevents me from being the beast that sometimes, one would also have the pleasure of hearing her beautiful inside and comes out. We are all
Saving Silverman ... a bit '... Certainly, if I see the Rosy and Nichi, even with Viagra suppositories work.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Brunton Echo 440 Laser Rangefinder

Yesterday, February 10, "Day of Remembrance"

Primo Levi
Edizioni San Paolo licensed by Giulio Einaudi Editore (special edition for Famiglia Cristiana - 1 of the series)
size 13.5 x20, 5x2
Weight ... now I'm in bed and getting up to make a weighted (left open) (weighing 267 gr.)

Act July 20, 2000, No 211
(published in Official Gazette No. 177 of July 31, 2000)

We heterophile
Left never agree on anything, not even on foibe , let alone Berlusconi.
Yet there are success of all colors, even the recommendations Togliatti to Trieste to find tables full of food to the troops of Tito ... (but I say io non bastavano le giustificazioni a Vincenzo Bianco ?)  gli alpini hanno sempre pagato , ragioni di guerra e di stato, sia che a comandare ci fossero i neri, i bianchi,i rossi o le veline.
Togliatti era il migliore, figuriamoci gli altri, e ci sono anche vie intitolate al Palmiro. Berlusconi se non fa una deportazione di escort nell'isola di Santa Lucia, non gli dedicano neanche un vicolo cieco.
Non ho mai visto le foibe, ma ho visto un regime. Sono stato in Jugoslavia. Tito era appena morto, credo fosse l'Agosto del 1980. Ero andato in ferie con amici a Ginevra (treno). Quelli erano andati in ferie in Geneva to rest in a tent. All day in a tent to sleep. What pipe are you going to do to Geneva to sleep in a tent? But then mount the Canadian garden, you save your ticket and your mother's kitchen! We did not. I take a train back to Italy. Massiiiii, in Milan the first train out of it ... you go for a ride in Venice, Trieste I have not ever seen a sign with a train leaving for Belgrade, I'm going to see from the Danube. A Villa Opicina board the train guards. I had a backpack vacuum. Those of Switzerland I had pots that bring a lot of them do not even had my grandmother in the kitchen (eleven in the family). I left everything to them. Now, those of my compartment I do understand in un tedesco loro, che vogliono darmi i loro jeans comprati a Trieste, perchè glieli avrebbero sequestrati. Riempio lo zaino ma non voglio i cartellini sui jeans (quelli sorridono e dicono in un italiano stentato che gli italiani sanno come fregare la polizia, non so se offendermi o compiacermi). Solo un vecchio tiene per se un carillon, è convinto che quello non interessi a nessuno.
Entra la polizia. da calci nelle pareti, smontano il treno. Mi guardano il passaporto e non toccano la mia roba. Tutto il resto, tutto vuol dire tutto, sequestrano. Buttano in terra il carillon che poi raccolgono e picchiano il vecchio. A Lubiana, la polizia scende e carica tutto il sequestrato (magliette e jeans) on a truck, fill it and go. Back to the stuff in the compartment and I realize what a people should suffer from a tyrant. No, Tito had died but had not changed anything. Then fields and fields of sunflowers in asking what a mess I had stuck. On public transport the framework of Titus, as if here, I went underground and I were at the photo of each coach Silvio good in dress uniform (high so to speak), with a hat on the sterns of Ruby (the man there, has yogurt on his head now, with the inside of bifid Activia).
I stopped only two nights, I was afraid. Everyone wanted to buy everything. Watches, shoes, pants. They told me to go to the supermarket (a only in the center of Belgrade, Yugo All brand or Jumo) to buy from dress. I made money by selling what I was wearing. A scheme is a bad thing. You die or around one in ten thousand, do not fear change ... I think. We foibe we remember too little, while we have the memory of other things while respecting equally bad. It 'ran away the day too.
I'm back in Croatia in '95 the situation was a bit 'changed but the guerrillas was not over. Fear and fear in Slovenia in the woods to get to River. I went to a factory trains (when they bomb out of the first ships, planes and trains). They made engines for the United States at prices from losers of war. They hated Italians and these premises were fear of "Slavs." The Italians told me half-words on the deportation, the ravines and on the "nothing has changed." They spoke little (the Italians) always terrified of being spied on and punished
... if they are men?

Example Speech To Guest Speaker

Today Feb. 11, the feast of the patient. Stars and planets

now celebrates all is a way as any to give work to florists and confectioners ... vabbuono for handset vendors I-Pad
a way to feel closer to all, the healthy (stay away from hospitals) and related to feel sick inside and out.
Di something we are certainly not out of the energy crisis, the monetary crisis, financial, economic, political. E 'sick planet, and banks, and Europe, and the democratic system (if it really exists one).
's all a big mess. All patients, all in crisis. You have to find a loophole, a new Eldorado.
The Germans think a few years. In 2009 they made up his mind to exploit the desert, essentially a slice of North Africa, and have set up a new organization, of course, non-profit, to be called otherwise (We are in fruit exploitation). Perhaps Silvio adhere to (or perhaps taking care of the export more (or escort), the child certainly share with the rest.
North Africa is in turmoil, there are North Africans (they say), to rub around the solar panels and rainwater copper Italians, who then sell it to Libya or so (but how will they get them there?). Can the new will to root out the old cliches? It seems there will, in the desert because there are no places or municipalities, and then nothing and no political patronage from foraging or grandchildren to please. The
Desertec seeks to make (that is no, is not the appropriate term, otherwise then the Africans understand correctly) say "value" (Which sounds better) with no profits, the African sun to provide power to Europe. Participants
a lot of German companies, today, the feast of the sick, he joined the bank also San Paolo. The bag does not feel very burdened by this news. The St. Paul is among the banks put less worse (it seems), even if it is losing half a percentage point, certainly not for this but for the usual suffering. Against the suffering now we can only rely on the House for the Relief of Suffering of Padre Pio. By the way, remember that March 10 is World Kidney Day (I do not think But it's beautiful ex Vallanzasca). From setting the date of the Feast of the spleen and the esophagus. Brown Day for Colon, which will not join neither the people nor the people violate the Rossoneri.
to me is the history of the solar ethically like, "for the good of the planet remove smoke Europe using Africa." Now we do understand, even to the people of the streets, which at this time, those shares are sultry even when there is mist and windy (the revolution). The first slogan that comes to me is "People of the Moon, in the name of the Sun home and Head Faroni. The
Merkel has already got their hands on. "Mubarak must lead the transition, we can not take power in the hands of the people, democracy must be guided "(as the German line of reasoning) here ... otherwise you risk to send even the Sun King as well as fireflies Re Silvio.

In photos, a barn (in front of my house) with the roof collapsing. That's Refurbished state contribution. Thousand square feet of roof. Here, many farms have ciconvertite in tourism (and had not only tourists but landowners) .. . and I'll pay!

possible that the Africans do cheat even after the sun and maybe even water?? should be considered the non-profit, free drink with the usual straw into exotic glass.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dromedary Date Nut Bread

Press Release 13 Release 12


Group A
MISS'S PIZZA - GS BAR Romituzzo 2-12
San Gimignano - CARBONARA 6-2

Booked: Samuel Giusti, Philip Toni (LEONIABBESTIA) Lorenzo Baccani (STROVE ASD). Four days
: Marco Galliano ART. 129 + 26 RD (LEONIABBESTIA). A
time: 05/06/2011 Irenaeus Mesce to any ART. 129 + 26 RD, Stefano Fontirossi to all ART 05/12/2011. 132 + 136 + 26 RD (LEONIABBESTIA). Penalties
teams: LEONIABBESTIA (Article 123 + 125 € 35.00).

Ranking Points For Thurs Vin Par Goals: Fat Sub
CD 1 - CUSTOMS KING FISH BORGOBASSO 25 13 12 1 0 87 36 3 2
- ELEGANT 21 13 10 1 2116 44 5
3 - GS Romituzzo BAR 20 13 9 2 2 88 30 17
4 - MERCY POGGIBONSI 19 13 8 3 2 5 69 34 12
- STROVE ASD 16 12 7 2 3 61 44 10
6 - San Gimignano 15 13 7 1 5 53 41 2
7 - 15 MONTICIANO 12 6 3 3 79 8 60 15
- treatment. THE FROG 13 13 5 3 5 58 60 1 9
- CARBONARA 12 13 5 2 6 73 65 0 10
- ULIGNANO 11 13 5 1 7 51 69 1
11 - RIST. FROM THE OGRE 11 13 4 3 6 57 59 5 12
- THANK YOU AND THE CO. 10 12 3 4 5 48 51 13 4
- Casole d'Elsa SOCCER 8 13 9 40 4 0 64 3 14
- LEONIABBESTIA 6 13 3 0 10 63104164
15 - ROCK FACTORY 2 12 1 0 11 28138 6
16 - MISS'S PIZZA 0 13 0 0 13 38 110 9

Matchday 14 Round
GS Romituzzo BAR - RIST. Mon 02/07 21:30 The DA ORCO MALTRAVERSO
Elegant - CUSTOMS Mon 07/02 20:30 MALTRAVERSO
THE THANKS AND CO. - San Gimignano MALTRAVERSO Thurs 02/10 21:30

Serie A Round 15
ULIGNANO - GS BAR Romituzzo Tues 02/15 21:30 ULIGNANO
MISS'S PIZZA - treatment. THE FROG Wed 02/16 20:30 MALTRAVERSO
STROVE ASD - San Gimignano Thurs 17/02 21:30 MALTRAVERSO
Giornate da Recuperare

Pubblicato in Siena il 05.02.2011 LEGA CALCIO UISP SIENA

Can You Trade Pokemon On An Emulator For Mac

re-emerge Roman fragments in the soil between Vizzolo P. and Sordio

Twenty-two archaeological excavations before Tem to Vizzolo Predabissi. To light the remains of Roman agricultural pipes and fragments of brick, maybe dump a furnace, also in Rome, near the Via Emilia. This is the result of an inconspicuous but necessary step to relax before the six lanes of the new bypass: the geological and archaeological importance. For more than a year who has noticed the watchful eye of technicians to work with stakes e altri attrezzi nella fascia di territorio fra Vizzolo Predabissi e Sordio. Sono stati fatti ventidue “buchi” in mezzo a 500 ettari di campi. Prima sono arrivate ditte specializzate in rilievi elettromagnetici, poi sono iniziati i carotaggi e le cosiddette “trincee” per andare in profondità. Il risultato degli scavi è ormai chiaro ed è comunque affascinante, anche se si muove dentro coordinate previste. Sotto la futura Tem sono stati trovati manufatti di epoca romana, palesemente collegati alla vicina presenza di una strada che ha 2100 anni e tuttora fa il suo mestiere, la via Emilia appunto. «Abbiamo rinvenuto in particolare due opere di canalizzazione agricola, due canali di scolo, e buche contenenti residui di laterizio, in all likelihood processing waste from the furnace - a summary of the technical work, on secondment from a company Emilia -, all of Roman but obviously you can not determine which, given the duration of the same period in question. The outcrops are all on the north side of Highway 9 toward Casalmaiocco short. " It is not certain of these findings to rewrite local history (or to stop the Tem), but the geo-archaeological campaign is deemed interesting by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, which has so far ruled out without covering the historical traces of return to dig. The pieces emerged from the distant past blend well with other details known about this area in pre-modern era. Vizzolo that was already inhabited in Roman times is easily derived just by looking at the apse of the church of Calverley, which incorporates recycled parts of pre-Christian sarcophagi in the Middle Ages. Unlikely to be lived rather than just the "Campagnoni" to Sordio: "We are too far from the presumed age villages," notes the fact that researchers have brought to light - even in pieces - vases, ornaments or coins. What has emerged, especially drainage, falls are likely in the known system of agriculture "centuriazione", ie the geometric division of cultivated land. Source
The Citizen

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Purple Highlights In Dark Brown Hair

Donald H. Menzrl and Jay M. Pasachoff
Zanichelli Editore
size 15x21, 5x2 cm
weight 782 gr.

It 's a book full of photographs (230), seventh lunar maps, 52 cards as a star atlas, 72 maps per month (the earth rotates and moves so I do not always see the same stars (except for Polar Bear which is above the North Pole, and then we see the time, not just those that are further south).
It's never been a passion, but he left me a little Ferruccio, a boy not even thirty years old, died of cancer a working wife and two young children suffered now too big for their age. He said that there was someone up there and maybe now he's over there to tell all he knows the land and other skies. Perhaps it also speaks to me. It must be like. Iron, was a good mechanic, two children, had far too much creativity, imagination almost too much, threw himself into crazy structures that needed to curb otherwise would have died much earlier. We went to Corbetta (MI), at the home of his father who also died young. In Milan there is too much light even when there is electrical failure at night. You never see anything. He took me into the attic, his kingdom, which was also that of his father. Maps stellari attaccate ai muri. Le disegnava lui, e teneva conto degli spostamenti della terra. Aveva teorie sue su tutto quello che stava in aria. Una testa fra le nuvole e una voglia di mangiarsi sempre libri, solo le figure però. Di teoria non gli interessava nulla, per lui tutto era superato. Tutto era diverso, tutto era troppo terreno per stare lassù. Questo libro, era un regalo che dovevo fargli, ma non feci in tempo. Tutti i lavoretti extra che mi faceva gli davo un libro. Avevo bisogno di un'officina attrezzata, noi facevamo fare tutto fuori, però mancava sempre qualcosa. Io e Ferro, pur essendo tutti e due della stessa multinazionale, eravamo di due divisioni diverse pur lavorando, uno, a 10 metri dell'altro. Io davo una mano a lui per le sue cosette private, e lui dava l'officina a me. Io lavoravo a Milano, lui veniva da un'altra galassia. Quasi mai coi piedi per terra come tutti quelli che guardano le stelle in continuazione.
Il libro, è essenzialmente una guida alle stelle, a come riconoscerle ad occhio nudo. Occorre non perdere la bussola come facevano i naviganti e come fecero a loro spese con l'inspiegabile rotazione degli astri ... o forse della terra? Tutto è relativo. Si parla di stelle e non del microscopico nostro sistema solare, dove per adesso pare abbiamo idee abbastanza certe. Il cielo è infinito, e forse qualcuno ci ascolta e si chiede cosa cavolo stiamo facendo. "If you ever find a Pharaoh on the road, maybe I would say that the Sun is stationary and the sky turns around, and if I had a Pope, I would say that everything revolves around the Earth. The reality is that we are too old and reasons, all with their heads in prehistoric times, there's all different "So
used to say, and perhaps, some reason he had. For him, the universe was "... a bag of confetti bursting and flying all over the world" and perhaps he was right ... until they arrived that the cleaner, to erase everything and blame him.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Trivial Pursuit Multiplayer Online

Another day has gone

Massimo Cotto (which tells Francesco Guccini)
Giunti Gruppo Editoriale
Size 18x25x2
Weight (great, even if the scale says 525 gr.)

There is the introduction of Luciano Ligabue, but what the book is written in the back cover.
"A book mountaineer, who knows the ground, in a world too often covered with plastic
I remember Fernanda Pivano with his damned poets, angry forever. Guccini no, always calm. So honest and straightforward in his life, that I could steal it and I would say that is not true.
Every time I pick up this book I have the chills, thrills me, I feel that there is in there Best Emilia. The best history of Italy, a philosophy so much as time passes it is useless to scramble to change it to something else. Guccini would never have been born in a village hard-working and busy. To write as he must live there, hearing the sound of flowing Limentra in a hurry and go down to the "lake" Suviana. He was the Apennines, child waiting to pass the war, down on the plain, and yet the war came even from those forests. And 'a' official biography, "though I imagine him sitting in front of the restaurant with two glasses and a bottle of wine and watch the hills are lost in the mists of the low and shaking his head in front of all hypocrisy. It may be hailed as a De Andrè ma a Guccini non è mai fregato far carriera. Suona la chitarra, scrive poesie senza metterci toni forti, ma tanta intelligenza e conoscenza. Lo hanno costretto a diventare autore, altrimenti non si potevano cantare i sui testi. Mi piacerebbe vedere il mulino di Pàvana più delle piramidi d'Egitto o della tour Eiffel. Li c'è la storia di un uomo di fede comunista fino in fondo, un purista, o forse solo di un poeta del tempo e dei ricordi ma certamente del più colto (per me senza riserve) dei cantautori italiani.
L'ho visto una volta sola, in una palestra, cantare e di tanto in tanto dare un tiro al bottiglione di Lambrusco. Era da solo con la sua chitarra, seduto su una sedia contro il muro con un microfono e un amplificatore 4-money but was enough to warm the hearts of all. I always dream that they are watching Guccini Via Emilia could also see the American president with Donald Duck. I think it's one of the best books of philosophy that I have ... if not the best (and certainly do not speak of Togliatti).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wedding Reception Wording Spanish


John Louis Esposito and Dalia Mogahed
Newton Compton Editori
x21x2 dimensions 13.5 cm.
weight 276 gr.

Just to be clear, Esposito is a Catholic from Brooklyn and Mogahed Muslim Cairo. Mogahed is the advisor to Obama for relations with Muslims.
You can not say that for the Italian title will be thrown into extraordinary meninges, but in Newton lost everything, always appreciate the price. There is always something that nobody has ever told. If I were in government (any government), I write everything down on paper in the tax return, but then you see if he returns, not to mention sex or natural additives to the shopping cart.
The original title makes more sense, but it was not a textbook for young marmots: "Who speaks for Islam."
I think that everything can always be traced back to, "Democracy or Theocracy" (a chapter of the book).
That 's where things get difficult. When you begin to speak of a god, so is grande l'argomento, che la gente (anche i più tranquilli) comincia anche a gesticolare. Ci sono quelli che ricordano, interpretano, trascrivono, legiferano, pregano, predicono ecc.
Io me li ricordo bene quei concistori "internazionali" fra elettricisti. Più o meno sono la stessa cosa. Teniamo anche conto, che il libro fa parte della collana "controcorrente" e hai già detto tutto. 
Si cominciava a teorizzare, descrivere fenomeni che non si vedono ma si sentono, si parlava di correnti vaganti e movimenti oscillatori, di chiave di Volta, di misure di resistenza, di asse delle ordinate, di calori dissipati, di alte tensioni ... una volta un cameriere che portava  le bottigliette water (the crodino is alcoholic and could not, because then they would come out even scenes of magnetic hysteresis, and pendulums Focoult discharges Elmo stuff ... and is not toilet) asked me to Which party was that meeting.
current is there, but is not seen as God, but has an advantage if you step on the switch ... and often should do so immediately, without waiting to be dead, not to lose the priority gained.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Orbital Configuration

Controller programmabile

technicians of Siemens
published by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
size 19x21, 5x2, 5 cm Weight
935 gr.

do not understand why a hand weights more and more of a great novel. Will the mysterious drawings that contain?
A controller is a box to check other boxes.
Like a computer controlling a printer. Yes, it is actually a very simple computer that controls other gimmicks used to essentially turn off or turn on the various movements of an industrial complex. Of course it is programmable as a computer, albeit the most prominent. Science
always copy from nature.
Why move is necessary to organize a mass movement possibilmenti and balanced against each other waiting for the signal from a controller programmed to obey by an outer mind. Each controller has its own manual.
the bipolar semi property we ... Landini driving the mass (and I'm not talking about some hot-headed tractor) ... is not true what they say Americans ( source Wikileaks ) that Silvio is just a dog sled and the suit has in his head Vladimir (if that's lust does not hold back and we certainly throws a cod).
now lacks only the manual ...
then this ... no ( use it in Egypt )
perhaps this is (it takes a little 'patience) ... Americans win even when they lose more and see the mess the banks and mortgage ...

1) PS to the revolt of the Maghreb also uniting it appears they are Morocco, here first outbreaks ... two men set fire to protest in Rabat.

2) PS but a manual of law of war, it means:
that one has the right to make war on others or
adheres to international laws that govern.
Regulating a war?? But that war is?