Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Black And Blue Bugatti Rebates

The survey by the San Pellegrino Serina

I commercianti «Paesi poco vitali e poveri di eventi»
L'indagine da San Pellegrino alla Valle Serina
Chiedono più parcheggi e itinerari gastronomici
Promossi sicurezza e qualità degli spazi pubblici

Più eventi e intrattenimenti serali. In poche parole occorre rendere più vivaci i paesi. La richiesta arriva dal distretto del commercio «Fontium e mercatorum» che riunisce San Pellegrino, Serina, Costa Serina, Cornalba, Bracca e Oltre il Colle.
È il risultato di un'indagine effettuata dalla società «Trade lab» per conto del distretto e presentata nei giorni scorsi Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo (who signed the agreement of the district), Roberto Ghidotti present Ascom, Filippo Castelli Confesercenti and administrators of the six towns.

Offer good commercial
155 traders were interviewed (60 in San Pellegrino, 6 arms, 12 in Costa Serina, 24 to 53 to Over the Hill and Serina ), representing different types of activities : shops, bars and restaurants.
traders have expressed positive opinions regarding safety, commercial offer (price, schedule, quality) and quality of urban environment (cleaning, maintenance and general condition of public areas of the country). "The problems to solve according to traders - said Oliviero Ridge" Trade lab "- mainly the quality of cultural events and events, considered little more than enough with a score of 2.1 on a scale from one to four, and accessibility, as assessed by 2.3 points.

rather low, the evaluation of the living area: approximately 30% of respondents say that their shared little or nothing to liveable. With some differences: Serina and San Pellegrino are better than the average of other municipalities. In addition, over 60% of traders believes that its area of \u200b\u200bactivity in recent years have seen un riduzione della vitalità e della frequentazione. Nel complesso, il distretto viene visto come poco vitale, soprattutto se si confronta la situazione attuale con quella di qualche anno fa.

Tante le proposte avanzate dai commercianti per cercare di rivitalizzare i paesi: ai primi posti la richiesta di un aumento dei parcheggi e della ricettività turistica, seguita dall'introduzione di itinerari enogastronomici e dalla creazione di eventi che valorizzino prodotti tipici, iniziative culturali, sportive e teatrali.

«Servono bus navetta»
Per vivacizzare i centri, oltre a un'opera di restyling degli arredi urbani, secondo gli imprenditori del commercio, dei servizi e del turismo, urgono una maggiore animazione serale, iniziative di intrattenimento mirate, riservate a bambini e adulti e a un miglioramento dei collegamenti, con la possibile introduzione di bus navetta.
L'indagine tra i commercianti rappresenta peraltro solo il primo passo dell'attività di studio e monitoraggio prevista dal distretto. Seguirà, infatti, una fase che coinvolgerà i consumatori e i frequentatori del distretto stesso. «La conoscenza e l'analisi dei bisogni del territorio e delle opportunità dell'area, infatti – ha concluso Cresta – consentiranno di intervenire con azioni mirate per migliorare l'attrattività dei comuni interessati».

Giovanni Ghisalberti - L'Eco di Bergamo - Martedì 15 Marzo PROVINCE 2011, page 39

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Facebook Provide You A Login History?

March 17, Feast of the Unification of Italy. Hours of public-service

On March 17, is a national holiday to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy: for the day Thursday's change the times of many services, from bus to tram to hospitals. Here all the details.

Atb Teb and reported that Thursday, March 17, during the National Day for the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, buses, trams and cable cars are driven with festive time.

also rest on the blue lines will follow the rules festive. All information, times, and breaking news Atb Teb and are available on the websites and www.atb.bergamo.it www.teb.bergamo.it. Contacts and information: ATB Point, Largo Porta Nuova, 16-Bergamo every weekday from Monday to Friday from 8:20 am to 18:45 hours and on Saturdays from 9.30 am to 14.30.Gli operators respond to requests by phone or the number 035.236026 e-mail to e-mail atbpoint@atb.bergamo.it

TO Bergamo Hospital
On Thursday 17 March - inform the United Hospitals of Bergamo - the CUPS, the Public Relations Office and the Center Withdrawals Riuniti Hospital will be closed, like all surgeries, except for the oncologist who work regularly in accordance with the timetable of activities already planned. Via the external pharmacy Statute will be open from 9 to 13.30 and from 15 to 20. From 20 until 9 o'clock the next day will be operational, but closed doors. The United Hospitals of Bergamo for the entire day of celebration, however, ensure all the emergency services, emergency, operating 365 days a year, 24 hours 24.

Although 17 is a festive day in Bergamo, the mayor has ordered the Franco Tentorio Notwithstanding diveito baking: you can then buy regular everywhere and fresh bread.

Thursday, March 17 's of Bergamo Ascom will close its offices to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Will be closed and the offices of two city venues and those of the territorial delegations.


Thursday, March 17 the CUP, the point of collection, radiology and outpatient services to all the Humanitas Gavazzeni will be closed. The hospital, like all public holidays, of course, provides emergency services, urgently.

L'Eco di Bergamo - March 14, 2011 Chronicle

How To Use A Cheat Engine On Poptroci

good living doing well

di Harold S. Kushner
Casa Editrice Corbaccio
dimensioni 13,7x20,5x1,3 cm.
peso 192 gr.

di questi tempi riuscire a farlo è difficile.
Basta guardare le notizie che arrivano da ogni parte del pianeta.
Come ricostruire il Giappone? Ricorrendo alla ri-costruzione! "Lo dice la parola stessa" direbbe Lubrano.
Quindi in borsa, mentre tutto crolla, le società delle costruzioni schizzano del +30% sul listino nipponico. Anche se adesso perdono, poi occorreranno macchine movimento terra, ma anche nuovi impianti tecnologici e armamenti militari (si sono having a little 'hunting under the rubble). A little 'debate in the nuclear industry, energy, but so far so normal. If there are devastating consequences, all serve as a crash test, how do I check the safety of cars.
I look at the war, Libya. Gaddafi's father, was also willing to go as long as the cash without hassle of international processes. Too many attempts for him and never had neither the face nor the martyr mystic. The visits with Silvio convinced that it should, money and power are nothing if we do not spend them. The son "enlightened" (for the western world) should not have the same opinions. Saif el Islam, his father was against Pima (do so all the children of rich people, are with the Communists until they have a chair in the board of amministrazionee) is now against all, he is getting (free) Libya. And now what? Libya Gaddafi and with her back to gas, oil, banking and construction. The shoulder was not there ... shit! Or maybe everyone is waiting to see Gaddafi worn before taking action? The feeling is taking it one more time where we make the egg ... or maybe not? We'll see what will make our balance. Of course, if our first line is Frattini, the face is more to Little Friar (I think they face the Barilla or maybe if you Valsugana taragna). But let me return
the book. The author is a rabbi who is always inspired by the Bible and especially the figure of Jacob and his dream of climbing the ladder reaching to heaven. So the desire of all to succeed, to reach the summit, even illegal means, but then to be honored as good and decent people. The people then you know, is always the winner, as the stadium. All this is possible? According to Harold, and also according to Silvio, but also according to Muhammad Yunus the 2006 Nobel prize for peace.
Yunus is the theorist of microcredit, which is of growing giving everyone the chance to grow (also inadequate to micro enterprises). The principle is the opposite of what so far has held up in the West namely that the "drip". Dripping means we continue to grow in large groups so they will receive even small drops. A method impossible to govern. How can we continue to grow in well with a rising population. It would be an accomplishment not collapse. But microcredit not doing better. Ethical banks are ethical only for themselves. No dividends to shareholders and small and medium-high rates on loans impossible.
Yunus then, years ago, has also attempted to organize his own political party. Ahhhh Jacob, Jacob! Now it has even been sacked from the same bank that he founded. " tax evaders " say opponents. As Silvio had long demonstrated its crash test, a rich man who goes into politics must also end badly Confalonieri and had told them. Maybe if you are out is even worse. Silvio has always reply "I want the communists to steal televisions and here (Bangladesh) it seems that the policy will take over 955 million dollars in loans from the Grameen Bank to 8 million poor women.
us? If we are not communists as it was Saif el Islam until a few days ago, we have to read the book of Job to learn patience. We miss the AC to be of Jacob, and I'm not talking about some of Catholic but dell'Actiregularis houses (bifid of Activia, which regulates the intestine and removes ache)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Best Tripod For 150€

the bill arrives but there is no purifier in Gorno

are fifty claims in Gorno signed at the end of a ' meeting organized dall'Fnp CISL, the union of pensioners, about the sewage treatment fee is not due.
The residents are in fact realized to pay - between 40 and 70 euro per year depending on consumption of users - a service on a sewage treatment plant in that country, however, is not there. Also spoke at the meeting the Mayor Giampiero Calegari reassured that those present by telling them that "there are about 50,000 € provisional just to deal with possible claims."
After the meeting, said he was comforted Luciano Arrighetti door dell'Adiconsum Gazzaniga, "Some citizens have already sent letters to take back what they paid more, but it is important to us today that the meeting took part also Mayor of Gorno Calegari who explained how the City has set aside resources for any claims.

We are confident, we believe that either the municipality or Uniacque (which manages the integrated water service) are moving in the right direction. " "We as a municipality we have set aside resources for any required di contributo sui canoni di depurazione – spiega il sindaco Giampiero Calegari –, in particolare circa 50.000 euro. Partendo dal presupposto che se un cittadino ha pagato qualcosa che non doveva pagare nei modi e nei tempi stabiliti dalla legge deve avere un rimborso, noi ci daremo da fare per aiutare chi ha versato di più. La domanda deve essere fatta però attraverso Uniacque. Come Comune cercheremo di rappresentare alla società quanto hanno espresso i cittadini con l'odierna assemblea».
Per Uniacque c'è un «ma»
Tuttavia, in merito ai risarcimenti non è detta ancora l'ultima parola. La società si è dichiarata «disposta a corrispondere agli User fees paid for the treatment might not be due, "but at the same time is unable to give immediate answers. It seems that it should also express the Territorial optimal.
The company points out, however, that "the Ministerial Decree 43569/2010 Article 6 paragraph 1 expressly provides that there is a" right to a refund of the fee referred to the service rate is not due to treatment, "but" less any expenses incurred by the operator in period covered by the refund application "in cases where the operator has incurred costs for the design and construction of water treatment plant.

You the case, in this case, Gorno, where current interventions are just for connecting with the cleaner Ponte Nossa. It has already been made the collector and now you are making the adjustment to the water treatment plant. "
In all probability, in addition to the 50 citizens present for the meeting, other residents have already submitted the form of compensation directly to the doors Casnigo. In the days before the meeting, the CISL Fnp has in fact written to its nearly 200 members of the country: among them have already directed the local office.

Filisetti Andrea - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Sunday, March 13, 2011, page 33

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dart Board Games To Play

Alarm Draghi: "Mafia, Bergamo and Milan are the most affected"

''In Lombardy the infiltration of gangs advances, as has recently warned the National Anti-Mafia Directorate.'' The highlights of the Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi.

''In Lombardy the infiltration of gangs advances, as has recently warned the National Anti-Mafia Directorate.'' The highlights of the Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, speaking at the University 'of Milan during a conference on gangs in Milan and in the north. The complaints of''criminal association with the Mafia - ha proseguito Draghi - si sono concentrate fra il 2004 e il 2009 per quattro quinti nelle province di Milano, Bergamo e Brescia''. "La criminalità organizzata puo' sfibrare il tessuto di una societa', puo' mettere a repentagliola democrazia, frenarla dove debba ancora consolidarsi".

Al centro nord la presenza mafiosa rimane un fenomeno d'importazione, anche se c'è una preoccupante saldatura con le mafie tradizionali per il crimine organizzato come l'usura, il riciclaggio e le estorsioni. Draghi ha poi detto che l'80% delle denunce per associazione mafiosa in Lombardia ha riguardato nello stesso periodo, individui provenienti da Calabria, Sicilia e Campania.

Contrastare i tentativi di infiltrazione mafias in Northern Italy is one of the things that would serve "to remove one of the brakes that slow down the path of our economy." "The price that society pays-when-Draghi said is contaminated by organized crime, the worst in terms of civil society and non-economic development is high. Fighting the mafia, the hold that they are still in the South, which attempted in the infultrazioni North, serves to strengthen the social fiber of the country but also to remove one of the brakes that slow down the path of our economy. "

To successfully fight the Mafia some "heroes" in the past have even sacrificed their lives. "The successes are not missed - Draghi said, referring to action to combat crime ' carried out by police and prosecutors - sometimes with the sacrifice of the lives of some heroes. "

Bergamonews - Friday, March 11, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get Sti Results?

Civilization One Infinite

Christopher Knight and Alan Butler
Arethusa Editions
size 14x21x1, 7 cm.
weight 277 gr.

Maybe Facebook is used to make a revolution, or perhaps the Internet is useless, like all things that keep us busy on this earth. Steve Jobs is a genius, but all in all I lived even before the I-Pod (which I have, even if an MP3 player I have not had enough courage to let me miss). Maybe it's good to live long or maybe not useless, if you have a head full of worries and do not even have time to stop one evening to watch the stars that are in heaven. Exactly the stars. The need to talk to someone about things important, really important, someone who says of his distant skies. The need for answers that may not even exist, because they simply do not exist. Because life "is" and death "is not" just. Assuming God exists (or the Great Architect as it is written in the book), we are just grains of sand that sticks in the balls that he uses this to his game. One of the oldest civilizations perhaps other (that of the megalithic structures of Britain) used the sky as a calculator for everything. Maybe then lived less, but quickly gave more meaning to life and the universe, than it know how to give us.

Silver Mesh Ribbon By Robert Stanley

journey to the limits of the universe

Tullio Regge
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
size 15x22, 5x3 cm.
weight 520 gr.

I thought of this book this morning watching the news, looking at Japan. We're small, small and insignificant as were the people who vainly waving a sheet asking for help. Were small houses can be seen, trains, ships were able to itch that nothing on earth. They are small refineries and nuclear power stations and I could not help but think of the discussions with Blog Surfer. I thought the smoke caused by the inevitable disasters della natura, e ai problemi di polveri sottili che affliggono il governatore della Lombardia e le multe che la UE ci manda. La terra tutto sommato e di se stessa, mica certo nostra, e chi multerà la terra? Non è di nessuno di noi, non certo perchè dobbiamo preservarla per i posteri ma perchè quando ha voglia di grattarsi la crosta lo fa, finchè viene fuori sangue. La terra non ha bisogno di aria pulita o sporca per vivere. Non gl'interessa delle guerre dei ribelli o dei governativi, lei è già impegnata di suo a liberarsi dal sole e dalla luna che gli ronza attorno. E' stufa di essere in eterno il terzo pianeta. Forse vorrebbe un po' girare il suo asse, per darsi un'abbronzatura decente anche dove ha sempre i piedi gelati. Ci danniamo a life, we discover, build, command, obey, and then ...
an acquaintance to take care (sickness soul) has given up all children and husband (a physical illness) and lives alone in peace and worship, or perhaps contemplation of itself. Who knows what will be right. It 'just like that or end her life behind to wear your old? Alpha Centauri is 4 light-years away and I do not know why it is also an Alpha Centauri, and if the guide there is a relative of Valentino Rossi. The Pleiades are 400 light years from me and also from Japan and certainly the water spray from the ocean which was released not even have noticed, as no one would notice on the Milan-Como a sprinkling of water on the windshield wipers on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria. "The fire shut down but the water can not be stopped," say those who, in my part, live near the river, but these are only small demonstrations of this land from time to time without even moving too nervous. Gaddafi's son says Libya is his and is not a cake to share And neither is the land for the Americans or anyone ... say that the light is missing in Japan ... but the Internet resists. Those who pressed a button to launch a bomb will see it? If the ground traveling 30 km per second never arrives anywhere, where we want to reach us?

Crochet Papoose Patterns

The leaders goes away! 16 Greet the Press

La Carbonara taketh Maltraverso and remains in command.
Match angular, Rotobrawn besieged the referee in the dressing room.

A Carbonara cynical and gritty crease the resistance of the cottage and a 6-2 stretch in the standings while his head. The first half ends at 5-1 for the Carbonara that spreads only on the end of the first fraction through determination and perseverance worthy of a great team. And to say that the trip had not started successfully, Mister Mulinacci had to renounce it is to Night Porter that Bartolo addition to the usual long-term care. With the nurse full port was called in the young Leo Terz who took up the cause carbonarina appeared between the posts and pulling out a performance to say the least capital.

The original quintet was composed over the Portierino by Captain Pecchioni top down, the wings and Piccio Becker and before Pizzo Bomber , available to the coach on the bench were Re magus , Cream , Bruttins and Sciacca. After starting to study the balance between the teams break off with a great goal to Pizzo Casole but could rebalance the meeting after a few minutes accomplice defensive inattention. La Carbonara then broke out and started to take football goalkeeper who had to succumb to other 4 times, with 3 and 1 with Becker Piccio ! In the second half the game s'innervosiva, because any arbitration decision reversed, and the game was interrupted for several minutes to quell the fight, fortunately without consequences. The finish is 6-2 for the Carbonara with the second goal of Piccio and several poles and mistakes in front of goal by gioattori. In the final international Rotobrawn was besieged in the locker room, shouting " Cannonbolt afraid and called the police ” ( vedi foto, ndr ). La vittoria non è stata mai a rischio, la squadra ha giocato con un’intensità importante e con una forte concentrazione come appunto ha detto il mister ai nostri microfoni subito dopo il match: “ Grande vittoria, i ragazzi hanno giocato molto bene, determinati, cinici, si sono aiutati l’un con l’altro, nel finale abbiamo gestito molto bene facendo girare la palla, insomma sono molto molto soddisfatto! Dobbiamo però rimanere con i piedi per terra e pensare ad una partita alla volta. Siamo cresciuti molto e le vittorie aiutano anche per il morale, speriamo da qui alla fine del campionato di recuperare qualcuno perché abbiamo bisogno di tutti! Dedichiamo infatti gioattori this victory to all injured and unavailable. A praise to the boys on the bench today who have played less but when they entered did their best for the team. We took off and carry on like this much satisfaction! "

report cards of Zuliani
Portierino _ 9 to be commended for the desire and commitment to safety demonstrated over between the posts. GATE
Pecchioni _8 opponents try to avoid it because they can not break through. GIANT
Piccio _ 8 runs, attacks, defends, scores ... there are no words to praise this gioattore COMPLETE
Becker _ 8.5 The agreement Lace is improving from game to game and then make 3 goals from strong applause. CYNIC THE POINT RIGHT
Pizzo _8, 5 ditto and great enthusiasm, self-denial tactics, etc recoveries. etc. obtains a resounding no penalty whistled Rotobrawn uncertain. Unobstructed lens for Casole
Re _7 magus fails to break the wind but in the 10 'that is in the field also hit a post. Exit exhausted in apnea. EL GRINTA
Cream _6, 5 stimulates the pair of attack, he comes in apnea. PRECIOUS
Sciacca _6, 5 is the last 5 'instead of the inexhaustible Pizzo, striking a pole touched an incredible own goal and only puts Becker front of the goalkeeper. PRECIOUS
Bruttins _7 not enter but makes an important contribution from the bench speech inciting opponents. It should Fastellini
_7 The executive guide provides an important contribution to spurring the gioattori. Volitional

Baggy Sweatpants For School

Moto mountain is still controversy

Sergio Marzinotto CAI Bergamo responds to the tough tone of the Italian Motorcycle Federation President Paolo Sesti re-igniting debate over mountain bike (photo taken from Valbrembanaweb.com)

Dear Italian Motorcycle Federation President, I realize that chair a major federation (below the business aspect of) what is the Italian Motorcycle Federation can sometimes be a daunting task that involves the need for interventions may not be heard, although necessary to protect the interests of members of the same.

However, I am appalled by reading his letter of reply to the note of CAI Bergamo, who denies the presence of motorcyclists on mountain trails. Stunned because, given the impossibility of basing a defense based office, the latter being modest and discreet in an effort to find mitigating circumstances, not even be arrogant and opinionated.

With his words in fact, would even say non solo che per i motociclisti sia un sacrosanto diritto andare sui sentieri di montagna, ma che addirittura la cosa sia altamente benefica per la montagna stessa!
Lo slogan da Lei coniato è: “meno male che ci sono i motociclisti in montagna”. Sembra di sentire quei cacciatori che, nel voler motivare la loro attività venatoria, dicono di sparare agli animali perché amano la natura (e quindi anche gli animali a cui sparano, evidentemente!).
Sarebbe meglio ammettere la realtà, seppure tristissima, piuttosto che adottare teorie fasulle: i motociclisti che vanno in montagna non sono appassionati della montagna, ma solo del loro mezzo con il quale pretendono di dimostrare chissà quali capacità, senza alcuna sensitivity to their surroundings and without any concern for the environment they are going through.

I state that I am not a fanatic fundamentalist environmentalist (although after reading his letter I had the wish to become). I believe that only the "Mountain" and the more general nature, is a complex topic that needs to be addressed while maintaining all the different aspects and elements that may be involved.
be specific, do not think it necessary to remind you that the Italian legislation, both national and local, just to protect the mountain environment provides specific bans on motor vehicles, not just on mountain paths, but also on the cart and the mule intended to be used in farm vehicles licensed premises and means of rescue. Such prohibitions are routinely violated by mountain bikers who go to and which you claim to defend.

I think you, as president authoritative and clearly competent to Italian law, should steer away from these gentlemen, besides being of offenders, with the recklessness with which push their vehicles in the mountains cause damage referred probably ignore devastating effects.
Often, unfortunately, I meet during my trips. Do not I tell you the pleasure, the pleasure of hiking in a healthy environment, to feel suddenly the engine noise and exhaust fumes to breathe! Last winter, while salivo con gli sci il versante sud del M. Sirente, mi si affiancò un motociclista che guidava un quad.

Alle mie rimostranze (la circolazione è vietata sin dalla valle sottostante) si giustificò dicendo che mi stava aiutando aprendo la pista! Tralasciando i divieti di legge e tornando alla Sua lettera, taluni passi da Lei scritti lasciano veramente interdetti. A Suo dire l’andare in moto per montagne fornirebbe un contributo “positivo al mantenimento in vita della rete dei sentieri e delle mulattiere …sui tracciati più impervi e meno utilizzati dall’escursionismo pedonale.”… “Senza la presenza dei motociclisti se ne perderebbe la fruibilità”.
Ma ha idea di cosa sta parlando? He knows what features can have a path "impervious" classified EE? Know the environmental impact caused by pollution, not just the combustion of the propellant, but even more than noise?. Do you know what happens to the flora and fauna especially the passage of a motorcycle? There can be no protection of the environment if you do not protect the few areas where wildlife can live away from the attack of poisons and continuous loud noise!

not alone. When ever were found mushroom hunters or hikers lost by motorcyclists? What's different is to say that the Rangers or the mountain rescue, the only possess the technical skills necessarie, si avvalgono anche di mezzi quali la motocicletta.
E parla anche di etica. Ma quale può essere l’etica di un motociclista che invade la montagna, massacrando il fondo su cui cammina con il suo mezzo inquinante e rumoroso, spaventando gli animali? Sia se è inconsapevole (e ciò è già grave di per sé) o consapevole (e quindi senza nessuna sensibilità per l’ambiente circostante) le sue colpe e responsabilità non cambiano.

Lei giunge all’assurdo dichiarando che il frequentatore della montagna a piedi o in moto ha “la possibilità di trovarsi in un contesto naturalistico incontaminato”. Egregio Presidente, il contesto a cui Lei fa riferimento è tale soltanto if you avoid destroy it by means such as motorcycles.
Take my advice. Try to climb a mountain with his legs. You will see that it is very different from a path traced with the help of a motorized vehicle. Hard work and sweat will be well rewarded by the silence filled with rustling and calls of birds, and the continuous show that will show your eyes step by step. For more than a few miles we put the time, much more than if it used his beloved motorcycle, but it is worth it. The Mountain

needs respect, silence, of sacred awe, and not be plagued by conquerors on two wheels.
sponsors meetings in motorcycle racing tracks and playgrounds for motocross riders and takes away from the mountain trails. Who really loves you will be eternally grateful!

Regards. Sergio

Bergamonews - March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Acrostic Poem About Twilight


Ici and personal income tax on tables of directors

is called for today at 18.30, the seat of the municipal council of Beyond the Hill.
Among the items on the agenda is the budget debate and approval of three-year plan public works. The table also additional municipal income tax and the determination of the rates for the ICI.

The "mountain women" tell their story to Lenna

is scheduled for tomorrow in Lenna, 21 at the municipal theater, the meeting "We talk among ourselves," organized by " The fregéra "and the library. After the greetings of the president, Alessia Proserpio, will speak to women presenting their experiences. Speakers on the theme of tourism women's cooperative that runs "The hotel disseminated 'Ornica and those of the chorus' Women the fountain "of Santa Brigida.
described his experience working in a foreign land also of immigrant women. There will be young women who recount their experiences with the disabled, work at the hospital and the volunteers. The evening will end with a buffet

L'Eco di Bergamo - March 11, 2011

Table Tent Cards Avery

pacifiers Silvio

for a balanced justice turn the other cheek ... the other also has the right

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Nintendo Club Product Registration Generator

Asbestos, on 'Alben record the eco monster killer

Over the Hill: the building which is located near the Resort guides the 'black list' regional
Built in the '60s and uninhabited, is five stories high, "stuffed" potentially dangerous fibers.

Dell'Alben check on the snow, for decades, a dilapidated building five stories high, each with an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 350 square feet, which houses a few hundred cubic meters of asbestos in the walls and structure. This is the condo "Alben" Oltre il Colle, in Valle Serina, located in the basin dell'Alben environmental and natural in a context of great value in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ski.

The report of Pirellone
The complex, which was declared habitable in 1966, appears in the first place in Lombardy in the unenviable ranking of sites where the asbestos, then a priority for remediation.
The figure emerges from a report of Region Lombardy, in particular coordinated by the Regional Planning, Daniele Belotti, in listing the main buildings with large quantities of asbestos or structures throughout the region who need remediation.

A "black list" of cases, more dangerous, which to first place Over the Hill, with a total score of 4512 points (to 681 away from the second site with the presence of asbestos in the Province of Milan).
"embarrassing situation"
The condo was sold in 1999 and that it is composed of five floors, three were purchased by the municipalities of Over the Hill and Serina to cost around 415 million di vecchie lire, mentre il quarto e quinto sono stati venduti invece a privati, che li hanno trasformati in monolocali e piccoli appartamenti. «È una situazione imbarazzante e difficile – commenta il sindaco di Oltre il Colle Rosanna Manenti –. L'edificio attualmente non è utilizzato da nessuno. Precedentemente aveva funzioni turistico-ricettive. Sull'edificio abbiamo una causa legale pendente, di cui ora non parlo. L'amianto si trova soprattutto attorno alle travi di ferro che sostengono il condominio, una procedura d'obbligo per le tecniche di costruzione dell'epoca».
Non ha mezzi termini, invece, il sindaco di Serina Michele Villarboito che definisce la situazione semplicemente assurda.

Situazione inherited
"We're talking about a true eco monster - says Villarboito -. A situation that I inherited from the previous administration, which includes only costs and no benefit to the community serinese.
Specifically, the two municipalities have inherited about a decade a lawsuit against the company that sold the property to two public bodies, without telling them of the presence of asbestos. "But the situation is even worse - adds Villarboito - back then, when the administration of Serina decided to buy the building, there was a clear negative opinion of the technical, which I was responsible, but despite the negative signal was following the procedure for the purchase, the outlay for the two municipalities of almost half a billion pounds and a few months after the lawsuit against the estate. For the past ten years we only support legal fees. "
"A recent report - said the first citizen of Serina - shows that the cost of disposal of asbestos in the walls harnessed, not worth the value of the entire structure."

Massimo Pesenti - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Thursday, March 10, 2011, page 35

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Asbestos - A Oltre il Colle in the region's largest Internet

62 sites to be reclaimed . 600 polluted sites in Lombardy "In Bergamo there are 42 "

Asbestos killer. There are 62 sites in public ownership, Lombardia seriously contaminated with asbestos. The largest, and the only in Bergamo, is addition to the Hill: This is the building in local concerts Alben Alben, a hotel now abandoned, which in scoring (4,512) exceeds a site Limbiate (3831), the 'hospital-Corberi Salvini.

The City in the most alarming in Sesto San Giovanni, which has as many as 9 sites severely contaminated by asbestos. Varese and share Broni 4 and 3. Sixty-two sites in total. It is the tip of the iceberg of the reclamation map drawn by the region as it prepares to launch a new law.

The aim is to work to facilitate the opening of landfill sites and hospitals for treatment. In Sydney there is only one authorized landfill and is already saturated. "We must be self-sufficient at the regional level - has emphasized the regional minister for the Territory, Daniele Belotti -. We must reach it by 2015 '

Condominiums, hospitals, warehouses, even gyms, schools and senior citizens center. A total of 44,004 sites in Lombardy with the presence of asbestos (28,061 are still to be reclaimed) and 62 public sites are the priority intervention with rehabilitation. The goal is to completely clean up the region.

The only active landfill is to Cavriana, in the province of Mantua, who in three years has been saturated. It was then granted permission to build a new profact to the limited size (80,000 square meters) in Brescia. Six other plants including Bergamo, Brescia and Cremona await the go.

L'Eco di Bergamo - March 9, 2011 Chronicle

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THE THANKS AND CO. - Casole d'Elsa SOCCER 6-8
ELEGANT - treatment. THE FROG 5-0
MONTICIANO - BAR Romituzzo 4-6

reminder: Marco Soccer (MERCY POGGIBONSI)
Penalties teams ROCK FACTORY (art. 106 RD € 50.00)

Ranking Round Final Points For Thurs Vin Par Goals: Fat Sub
CD 1 - Elegant 2 1 1 0 0 5 0 5
0 0 7 2 13 3 - GS Romituzzo BAR 2 1 1 0 0 6 4 17 4
5 - San Gimignano 1 1 0 1 0 3 3 3 6
- treatment. THE FROG 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 1 7
- ASD STROVE 0 1 0 0 1 2 7 12 8
- MONTICIANO 0 1 0 0 1 4 6 15

Cup Standings Spring
1 - 2 1 CARBONARA 1 0 0 14 7 0 2
- Casole d'Elsa SOCCER 2 1 1 0 0 8 6 3
3 - RIST. DA L'ORCO 2 1 1 0 0 5 0 5
4 - MISS PIZZA’S 2 1 1 0 0 5 4 9
5 - ULIGNANO 0 1 0 0 1 4 5 3
6 - LE GRAZIE E CO. 0 1 0 0 1 6 8 4
7 - LEONIABBESTIA 0 1 0 0 1 7 14 166
8 - ROCK FACTORY -1 1 0 0 1 0 5 8

2° Giornata
San Gimignano - San Gimignano ELEGANT Fri 03/11 20:00

day 3
Elegant - STROVE ASD Tues 03/15 20:30 MALTRAVERSO
Romituzzo BAR - San Gimignano Wed 16/03 20:30 MALTRAVERSO

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Disciplinary Committee

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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A Taleggio reach of broadband

Broadband has arrived in Taleggio. Thanks to the project "1000 Community" Vodafone aims to bring broadband to a common day for the next three years, up to a total of 1,000.
"We have reached another milestone - the mayor of Taleggio Alberto Mazzoleni -. Thanks to Vodafone, the citizens of Taleggio have a fast Internet connection and further adapted to the needs of a valley that with the ambitious project ecomuseum wants to keep up with the times.

The social and economic development of the small mountain towns is particularly related to the ability to be competitive, providing citizens and businesses the tools to be an integral part of the territory. "
"The initiative for Vodafone to be commended - said James Stuckey, Deputy Secretary of the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies - why also allows citizens, traders and businesses in communities of rare beauty for sites in areas almost completely intact from the naturalistic point of view to enjoy the new connection technologies in real time, using tools and systems that comply in their preparation and installation fully the integrity and identity of the same places. "

One important change for citizens and companies thus Taleggio. "To bring Taleggio" Project Municipalities 1000 "which represents our concrete contribution and our commitment to bring broadband digital divide in common - said Massimo Scapini, director of the North West region of Italy Vodafone -. Thanks technology to offer wireless Internet access at a speed appropriate to manage the major websites and applications with performance comparable to fixed broadband, compatible with most modern communication devices in the home and in mobility. "

Vodafone Italy has stepped up the investment plan of over one billion euro to bring broadband wireless throughout Italy. The spread of broadband is a key factor for the future. In Italy it is estimated that today there are still 1,800 municipalities without broadband. With this project, Vodafone remains committed to reducing the digital divide, ensuring citizens, families and businesses the opportunity to access the best services available.

L'Eco di Bergamo - Mercoledì 09 Marzo 2011 PROVINCIA, pagina 41

Monday, March 7, 2011

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for those with the translator:
the sign advertising the rental (25 € ... how long?) Or purchase (50 Euro forever). Parish of radio ... Here we are well beyond the I-PAD2
Everything for the parish
(if necessary)

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Before the world ends Repent! ... or at least make a bid.
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for those who use the translator:

The picture is from a sign hanging at the entrance of a church. So it is written: Those who wish

may have in the house for a week

one of the following
blessed statues of Mary.

the statue of the "Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima.

the statue of the Madonna "Virgin of the Eucharist" or

the statue of Our Lady Queen of the family "

to pray the rosary with her friends and neighbors

according to a sua intenzione particolare.

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La Carbonara mishandles the Lions (14-7) .
Mister: pensiamo a vincere una partita alla volta

Una Carbonara cinica e spietata non fa sconti ai malcapitati Leoni ( vedi foto, ndr ) e dopo tre sconfitte consecutive torna alla vittoria con un roboante 14-7 che la proietta in testa alla classifica del gironcino degli scaci. La Carbonara si presentava in campo priva degli indisponibili Bio , Gatto , Collins e Ruttolo e dei lungodegenti Betti e Max Tortora e veniva schierata da mister Mulinacci con Frati tra i pali, capitan Pecchione vertice basso, Piccio e Becker sulle ali e Bomber Pizzo terminale offensivo. Arbitro dell’incontro l’internazionale Rotobrawn. Squadra compatta e concentratissima che si portava alla fine del primo tempo sul risultato di 8-2. Già nel corso del primo tempo il mister operava i cambi necessari per far rifiatare i gioattori e dare minutaggio a tutti dopo la sosta. La partita terminava 14-7 grazie ai 6 gol di Piccio , 5 di Pizzo , 2 Becker e al sigillo finale di Re Magio , senza naturalmente dimenticare un paio di parate fantastiche del Portiere di Notte . La Carbonara è tornata con grande determinazione, c’è stato qualche calo di tension during the race but the team was as cynical as ever in this league. Where will this Carbonara? Toss and turn at this point to coach the question: " We aim to reach as high as possible while remaining down to earth, in fact we think to win a game at a time. The enthusiasm is there, the will to win anyway, because I liked the boys always very concentrated and cynical as ever, I am confident for the pursuit of the group. I did all the compliments, but now we think and Casole battiamoli! "

report cards of Zuliani
Night Porter _7, 5 First time almost spectator, the second takes a couple of miracles. GATE
Pecchioni _ 7.5 Solita safety on defense. PILLAR
Piccio _ 8, the best performance ever washed by 6 goals. CURSOR
Becker _7, 5 play for the team and the results are there, if this continues there is none for anybody. LEADER
Pizzo _ 7.5 runs, marks, doubles, trade with everyone ... not just BOMBER
Bartolo _ 7 make do with craft Brindellone against the opponent. Clever
Bubo _ 6.5 runs like crazy but always slips at the time of the shooting, when he does pull the classical cillatina. GENEROUS
Re magus _7 Solita provide all heart and determination and leave us a sign by which end the round.
Cream _7 enters and is involved in the party, pity about that shot that deserved a better fate. FORCEFUL
Sasa _7 He plays with grit and cripples the goalkeeper risking yellow. MOWER

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Il presidente della Federazione motociclistica italiana:
«Così tuteliamo la montagna»

Moto e montagna non sono incompatibili, anzi i motociclisti sono una risorsa per le Orobie. È questa la posizione espressa da Paolo Sesti, presidente della Federazione motociclistica italiana, riguardo al recente intervento critico del Club alpino italiano sugli escursionisti motorizzati, rei di danneggiare alcuni tracciati. «Salvaguardare the heritage of the mountain and its network of paths - Sixth replica - is a priority for Motoclub, affiliated to the Italian Motorcycling Federation, to promote nature tourism, historical, cultural, rural and agri-food in full synergy with the environment so how it is promoted by Cai.

Sesti recalls that in Bergamo are numerous events and amateur sports, with the conscious use of motorcycles, a leading contribution to the economy of the local community. "Such positive contribution - Sesti said - but also sees the continued life of network of footpaths and mule tracks due to the presence of motorized trips amateur, mostly, are carried out on the roughest trails and less-used pedestrian from the excursion. In many cases, these particular tracks, without the presence of motorcyclists, we would lose usability, the memory and with it the rural history of the territory which they were born. From the standpoint of safety have been situations where the presence of motorcyclists has been key to the salvation of mushroom hunters or lost people that were found before it was too late. "

thinner on the front of the issue of ethics, namely the most correct way to approach and appreciate the mountain environment. Sesti notes that "climbing, i rifugi e gli impianti di risalita comportano l'impiego di combustibili fossili, mezzi a motore» per avvicinarsi alla montagna e infrastrutture «che probabilmente sono molto più incisive sull'ambiente montano rispetto all'escursionismo motorizzato». Da qui la riflessione che «un uso indiscriminato del mezzo a motore può essere critico, infatti questa Federazione sta attivando iniziative specifiche finalizzate alla mitigazione di possibili impatti derivanti dall'attività motociclistica su viabilità a fondo naturale. Obiettivo prioritario è perciò la riduzione delle emissioni dei mezzi a motore».

Secondo Sesti la nota del Cai è «dovuta a una visione incompleta del contesto dell'utilizzo dei mezzi mechanics in the mountains, unfortunately, probably due to an ethical vision that takes into account certain aspects of that ruling, in fact, is not reflected among people who "live" and know the mountain and the land. " The chairman of the IMF concluded by noting that in 2006, "Cai promulgated a survey on the use of motor vehicles that saw a net benefit to the consumer than those who were against."

But Orobievive dispute "is a practical absurdity"

"The coordination of Orobievive endorses the call made by CAI Bergamo on the serious issue of off-road vehicles on trails in the mountains of Bergamo. The coordination of Orobievive, including Fab, Italy Nostra, Legambiente, Mountain Wilderness and WWF, said a few things: "The damage done by such means as motocross, quads and snowmobiles on the fragile mountain environment is seriously impacting species when these abandoned vehicles and roads to venture mule careless ones in raids on high altitude grasslands, forests and even in rivers with serious effects on flora and fauna of these sites. Unfortunately, the usual practice and verifiable by all hikers and frustrates the good intentions of the different motorcycle clubs would be followed by fans. " A

Orobievive appear "absurd instances of those who would impose the right to pursue an activity that goes against all rule of common sense. This is not to be able to do what you want based on a questionable criterion of personal freedom, it is respect for rules and regulatory criteria but not all. There is a definite regional law cited in the letter of Cai and this should only be cut off any discussion. " "It should be noted - said the co-ordination - in Trentino Alto Adige things are very different and no one will ever find a motocross where there should not be there. Perhaps you should think about these things when, on the part of operators and administrators, he chases the model for our Orobie Trentino.

L'Eco di Bergamo - Monday, March 7, 2011 PROVINCE, page 20

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Camilla Ravera says - March 8 - International Women's Day Weekend

March 8, 1908: Mr. Johnson, owner of the "Cotton" locks in his company's workers engaged in a union claims. A fire will perish, burned alive, 129 workers.
was Rosa Luxemburg who proposed this day, 'March 8, as
: The International Women's Day.

(From "Camilla Ravera says his life" by Rita Palombo - Rusconi publisher)
... In 1898 we went to Valencia. Dad was constantly transferred, especially where it was necessary to establish new offices of the Ministry of Finance. In those years the state newborn extended to give life to peripheral (.... ... ... ..) As at Aix, in Valencia witnessed a fact that I remained engraved in the memory. For a long time belonged to the memories of my childhood. But later, when my political choice was made, what happened that day became a historical reference of my struggle for the liberation of women and 1'emancipazione.

not remember how old I was, perhaps attending second grade, and seven or eight.
I liked going to school because I was happy to be with other children.
Mother accompanied me every morning and often impatient because I stopped to look at whatever struck your attention. We had arrived a few weeks in that town and I still had many things to discover.

While talking with her mother, suddenly I heard the angry voices, angry and soon after from a corner, I saw many women appear advancing towards us. I was scared. I shook the hand of my mother and she forced me to stop.
was a procession of women workers. Before I ask those who were and why her mother scream like that, conscious of the fear I felt, I said they were protesting the cleaners gold, led by a man, a socialist named Filippo Turati, because their pay, earned working twelve hours a day, could not even buy bread.

then invited me to observe their hands. I looked at them: they were all roses by 'acid which was used to clean the gold. They were barefoot, badly-dressed and where they went and why the man smunte.Chiesi guides.
She said that perhaps they were directed to the League of workers and Turati, although it was not poor, was the head of the parade because he was a socialist. And this was admirable.

Poco dopo scomparvero in una via e mia madre mi spiegò che non bisognava aver paura dei lavoratori che probabilmente avrei visto altre volte camminare urlando per strada.
In quel modo la mamma mi insegnò ad amare i deboli e innanzi tutto a rispettarli. Allora mi chiesi: "Chi ha soldi non potrebbe darli a chi non li ha?". Questa domanda mi frullò nella testa per giorni e giorni. Anch'io, pensavo, potevo far qualcosa per coloro che soffrivano.
Inutile sottolineare l'importanza che quelle lavoratrici ebbero nella formazione politica di Camilla, che si tranquillizzò sulla sorte di quelle donne solo quando la mamma le disse:
«Le ripulitrici 's got gold 1'aumento wages.

now work and are happy. "
A year later, in 1899, Ravera moved to Casale Monferrato. There Camilla watched another episode that had a great influence on his policies.
We often went to the public gardens, in front of which it was building a palace.
I watched with interest the work. One day, in addition to the masons, I saw women carrying heavy tools and lime on the shoulders and climbed on precarious wooden stairs.
I was told that they were the wives of those masons who helped their husbands to earn that much more that just made the salary to carry on the family.

was then that I was born in a conscious concern for the plight of working women, for his problems and the struggle for the emancipation of women.
Camilla meanwhile had finished elementary school and then the complementary. To continue his studies he was forced to attend! 'Institute of Science, because there was only one school Casale Monferrato in a male boarding school.
That school was born thanks to the struggles of some teachers, most of them young, who had started the first private institution, then, with time, also, if not more, to 'good teaching we give and popular with students and parents, they got the convention to turn it into a recognized school and then equalized by a state.

Those were the years when it began in Italy to talk about women's empowerment. And they were beautiful

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peaceful, but Monday returns frost

A sunny weekend but not too much, but is coming next week a breath cold air, according to Harp Lombard .

The two structures that affect atmospheric Lombardy is currently an area of \u200b\u200blow pressure moving away to the west Mediterranean and Atlantic anticyclonic ridge eastward expansion. On Saturday variability for the removal of the structure to the ground weak low-pressure system with winds and rain away. Sunday, anticyclonic ridge expansion with rising temperatures. Monday, rapid transit of a disturbance of northern European origin, the interaction between this structure and the anticyclonic ridge is still somewhat uncertain but it seems probable reinforcement of soil easterly winds and a sharp drop in temperatures. As a result, a trend very uncertain.

Monday, March 7
Sky conditions: inizialmente irregolarmente nuvoloso ma già dalla mattinata nuvolosità in generale diminuzione e in seguito ovunque sereno o poco nuvoloso.
Precipitazioni: assenti, salvo deboli o molto deboli nevicate sulle Prealpi centro-orientali nelle prime 12 ore.
Temperature: minime in lieve aumento, massime in moderata diminuzione.
Zero termico: attorno a 800 metri.
Venti: in pianura deboli orientali con qualche rinforzo al mattino sulla parte orientale, in montagna da deboli a localmente moderati da nordest.
Altri fenomeni: in pianura, foschia nelle ore notturne.

Martedì e mercoledì ovunque sereno o poco nuvoloso. Precipitazioni absent. Temperatures slowly rising. Weak winds north or west.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Bears and wolves are ready to colonize the Orobie

The scholars say the Park
Sightings in decline, but it is a sign that "they are feeling the land '

sightings of wolves on Orobie fell from 30 to 7 in 2010
Bears and wolves may return, permanently, to live in our mountains. The experts say the Park Orobie Bergamo, although traces of the presence of two major predators are significantly declined last year. The 'hit and run "of large predators in 2010, in fact, could be the classic mode of colonization of new territories by individuals attracted to an area with ideal characteristics for their survival. These conclusions are reached Chiara Crotti and Peter Milanese, led by Alberto Meriggi, a researcher at the Department of Animal Biology, University of Pavia.

Retreat from JJ5
In particular, the bear, when he came home JJ5 Adamello, it seems almost disappeared from the Park Orobie: observations dropped from 91 recorded in May 2008 to September 2009, 15 the period between September 2009 and October 2010. Nello stesso periodo, però, si sono intensificate le osservazioni di orso nelle province di Brescia e di Sondrio, segno di una continua dispersione di questi animali che potrebbe portare altri orsi a insediarsi temporaneamente o stabilmente sulle montagne bergamasche.

Il lupo, avvistamenti in calo
Le osservazioni riguardanti il lupo sono allo stesso modo in discesa, da 30 a 7. «Di solito nelle fasi iniziali di una colonizzazione si osserva una presenza instabile e l'assenza di eventi riproduttivi. In seguito la presenza si fa più prolungata, il numero degli esemplari che si stabilizzano aumenta e, infine, si arriva alla riproduzione – ha spiegato il presidente del Parco delle Orobie Bergamasche, Franco Grassi -. At this point there can be considered stabilized and colonized the area, provided that in the meantime, external events, such as unlawful killings, do not disrupt the balance that has been created. "

The burrow and the couple
The fact that recently has been identified a den of wolves and two specimens of this species have been seen together, reinforces the argument that the Bergamo Alps Orobiche environmental characteristics have to be fit to return, as in the past, an important area of \u200b\u200bspontaneous colonization by these two species of large carnivores. Why to attend a real fundamental re-colonization is the protection of protected areas from hunting and a hostile attitude of the population to these animals. This is why the Park has promoted a survey to understand that feelings feed the population of the valley to the wolf and the bear, which showed so much confusion on the subject and some fear.
"The respondents showed little knowledge of how things really are and in fact the majority would like more information. The minority however does not consider them rightly, dangerous animals and difficult to approach the man, as to prefer areas that are very quiet, far from tourist routes and hiking trails, "concludes Grassi.

L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Sunday, March 6, 2011, page 39

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Senator Valerio Carrara Bergamo salva governo

the emigrant "Bergamo has not yet finished his tour
Senator Bergamo Valerio Carrara left the group People of Freedom to enter one called "national cohesion", born from the split of Future and Freedom.

Senator Bergamo Valerio Carrara left the group People of Freedom to enter the one called "national cohesion", born from the split of Future and Freedom. Del group - according to the official press - the senators are part Cardiello Franco Valerio Carrara, Maria Pia Castiglione, Giuseppe Menardi, Elio Massimo Palmizio, Salvatore Piscitelli, Adriana Poli Bortone, Maurizio Saia, Viespoli Pasquale, Riccardo Villari.

The decision of Senator Over the Hill is a purely tactical move. Carrara in fact takes the place of Pasquale Nessa (also PDL) counted among the members of the group in a statement released in recent days Cn. The changing of the guard is not substantial but politically balances the band members from geographical point of view, shifting the balance towards North. In short, the arrival of Carrara dampen the overwhelming weight of the exponents of the South, according to some interpretations, that otherwise would have risked to characterize the group too. To form the group, which is part of the majority, senators served and Carrara gave his availability.

Elected to the Senate for the first time in the group of Italia dei Valori Antonio Di Pietro, Carrara on the first day of term, in 2001, announced the move to force Italy.

Bergamonews - March 4, 2011

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Variante di Zogno, progetto modificato

Rondo at the beginning of the country: it will not have to demolish some houses in area Dream.
gradients decreased from 23 March, the expropriation of land. The Province: "The opening del cantiere prevista ad aprile»

La variante in galleria di Zogno inizierà con un rondò, in località Sogno, anziché con una strada e svincoli laterali come previsto originariamente. Il progetto iniziale è stato modificato su indicazione dell'impresa Itinera di Alessandria, vincitrice dell'appalto.

Quindi i tempi: la Provincia, concluse le ultime pratiche questo mese (espropri, approvazione del progetto esecutivo e bonifica bellica), auspica di poter aprire finalmente il cantiere entro aprile.
Tempi, quindi, leggermente allungati per la prima «picconata» rispetto agli annunci che venivano fatti da tempo, ovvero autunno 2010 e poi gennaio-febbraio 2011. Tant'è, si is expected for decades, you can expect a few more weeks. "Above all - says Mayor Giuliano Zogno Ghisalberti - if this time is used to improve the project, as it is happening."

Project Executive arrived
Two main changes brought in by the final design (which must be approved by the provincial government this month) are the two inputs and the track gradient.
"In Dreams resort - said the manager of the Traffic of the Province Renato Still - a roundabout will be built. This will prevent the demolition of some buildings, as, instead, it was necessary with the original project. " The slip from the main road, in fact, would interfere with the neighborhood. The roundabout, however, will be built slightly upstream of the houses, partly over the canal Enel. From the roundabout you will go into the tunnel or new variant on the old road to Zogno.
"By changing the ramp on the mountain (the Madonna of the sink after Ambria, ed) are, however, considering - still Still - could be moved a little further south." What is certain is that the slope of the track will be decreased from the initial forecasts. "They are all important changes - says Mayor Zogno Ghisalberti - which, in addition to improving the track, will probably reduce the cost of construction of the variant. "

Compensation for expropriation
The final design will then be amended as approved by the provincial government. From March 23 next, then, will also begin the expropriation of land. There are about 300 individuals, businesses and public bodies interested in the action. For some this will be permanent expropriation, dispossession for others to temporary, necessary for the yard. For owners there will be a proposal for compensation to which they could oppose.
"But, in case of opposition, the process will continue anyway – dice Stilliti –. Lunedì scorso ho già firmato il decreto di occupazione d'urgenza delle aree». Procede, quindi, per ora negli uffici e non in cantiere, l'iter della variante di Zogno.
«La Provincia sta andando avanti, nulla si è fermato – dice ancora il sindaco di Zogno – anche se la gente, magari, vorrebbe vedere i lavori concreti. Ma anche quanto si sta facendo in questi giorni è fondamentale per arrivare all'apertura del cantiere con un progetto ottimale».
E proprio l'impresa Itinera di Alessandria da tempo sta cercando le aree, sembra individuate a Sedrina, dove installare il quartier generale (alloggi per gli operai e uffici).

Giovanni Ghisalberti - l'Eco di Bergamo - Venerdì 04 Marzo 2011 PROVINCIA, pagina 43

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Se lo domanda Berlusconi, posso quindi chiedermelo anch'io.
Ha senso continuare a morire in Afghanistan per la pace? La pace di chi?
A me sembra che qui sia come in borsa o come al gioco del lotto. Quando si compra un titolo che continua a perdere o si punta su una cinquina che non esce mai. Anzichè ammettere l'errore (e raccontare alle famiglie dei morti che c'è stato uno sbaglio), si aumenta in continuazione la puntata, per recuperare in caso di vincita quanto già perso.
Le vite perse non si recupereranno più, come non si recupereranno i denari investiti in resources and military resources.
What is the meaning of this war? ... and other similar wars?
would be easier to have a nation Taliban and send him to the first four bombs without evil intention to send soldiers. I have filled the San Marzano of people going to the streets to demonstrate why they are dead three civilians instead of military dirty six (lives are lives, with uniform or with the straps that are a farmer)
When you vote in parliament, are almost all agree. What is there on the left or right leaning more military intervention, but benefits from?
We do not do anything, we are small, we are poor. We should farcene a reason. They should accept it even the great hierarchs and grand strategy, they were born in a small flag. From us is the minister of defense prior offense, but this is old news but it never changes. Each return of the dead, all to get their hands on cash at the airport, and regret with the family. But why continue to send them to us?
In Egypt and Tunisia, the effects were felt in the square when the people already there. In Iraq the Americans are gone, but it is not all quiet and we will have really won something? We bring the medicines that maybe we buy from Germany, France, England and America, so they love us ... or maybe we think we have big houses Pharmaceutical (Chicco aside)?
We had privileged relations with Libya, and now?
The British, pirates always are considering armed intervention in Libya, the Americans and keep them in check because you want to sit at the table first. Col., then promises its oil to China and India, and sends Berlusconi Arcore, or perhaps beyond, to Usmate (Lombard dialect that has its own way). If there is something in common, they all go to the slaughter. The colonel does not yield, so the stars are like Gaddafi Negroni, millions of millions. Executioner who spring in Libya.
We are in Afghanistan and all the forgotten places of the world, we are there to die in peace, then we do the trick because the merchant ships in Somalia should not be armed, or some feel-good s'incazza. Let us prove ourselves to count for something, but do not count anything. Less than Japan, the face of all that goes on to hunt whales, because they believe it's become longer. Us which of us know we have hard (at least in the North), traded the political clout that we have not screw with military trenches. This is a world of madmen and we adhere to the protocol of the asylum world not to be left out. If there is one criticism to make someone go to read Pravda or the Times, but because we never cook our strings? So much
arithmetic, zero zero zero or always zero. I also know that the Swiss have all the gold and send more than military dress carnival at the Vatican (in case something should happen and had not realized that it has always been a joke).

How To Sew A Full Head Weave With A Side Bang

Turismo alternativo nell'albergo diffuso

Convegno a Ornica

Ornica - «Albergo diffuso», una tipologia di ricettività turistica per ridare sviluppo alla montagna abbandonata. Se ne parlerà sabato, in un  convegno organizzato a Ornica, da Legambiente Bergamo.
Proprio a Ornica, negli ultimi anni, per iniziativa della cooperativa «Donne di montagna», è sorto un albergo diffuso costituito da alcuni appartamenti con unica reception e ristorante. Una modalità di ricettività turistica, widespread for some time in Friuli, for example, who is trying to restore and development work at the small village of Valle Brembana.

Of Ornica (which last year received the green flag of Legambiente), other popular hotels and tourist experiences in the mountains, will be discussed during the conference moderated by the journalist of L'Eco di Bergamo "John Ghisalberti. From 16.30
intervene Fabio Cubit Legambiente, a representative of the national popular hotels, a representative of the cooperative "Women in the mountains," Mayor John Testa Ornica Gino Quarteroni and coordination of provincial Legambiente. This will be followed at 18.30, a drink with local products. To 19.30, then dinner at the restaurant Ruffoni.

Sunday at 9 am, meeting and breakfast at the restaurant, then departure for the walk-Excursion to Val d'Inferno (three hours).
At 12.30 pm lunch at the restaurant Ruffoni. You can participate in two days at a cost of 70 € (with 50% discount for children under 12 years), including dinner, bed, breakfast and lunch.

The conference, entitled "Alternative Tourism popular with hotels' initiative is part of" Nevediversa, "which is the winter edition of the Caravan of the Alps, where Legambiente campaign complaint against the aggressions perpetrated in the name of the mountain a misconception and impressive development.

L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Thursday, March 3, 2011, page 49