Friday, January 23, 2009

Dell Printer 924 Error 1203

Construction of the first modern

The Council of Trent is a break in terms of quality and quantity of population registers. In fact, in Protestant countries as well as Catholics, the need for greater control on the community of believers led to the introduction of instruments to gain a more detailed composition.

The duty of pastors to record baptisms and marriages, had resulted in the birth issue of a modern, while the entry of the key stages of life - birth, marriage and death - in the parish became a religious horizon structure not only within the church, but of society itself.
In Italy the Tridentine is that imposes the obligation to keep regular records of baptisms and marriages (XXIV required under Council session on 11 November 1563), although in some cases, these requirements had been anticipated (as discussed in the specific case of the church under analysis in this research) and, in others, for many years rejected. Timing and mode of application of the council varied from area to area, from diocese to diocese, according to the zeal and personal conviction of the individual bishops and prelates of the same. It should also distinguish between a formal reception and substantial: if the first was often lacking, the second outcome was significant even when the official publication of the texts fail Trent.
read the words of Paolo Prodi: "The baptism registers of already widespread in large parts of Europe [...] are prescribed by the Council of Trent in the second of the decrees of reform of the marriage, immediately after the Tametsi , depending on the cognatic spiritualis (impediment of marriage) that develops between the godfather and the godson. The rules are implemented in all countries which implement the decrees of the Council. "

matter obtained a more organic arrangement with Rituale Romanum (1614), with which Pope Paul V reaffirmed the requirement that sixty years earlier and introduced the same for the burial registers and the states of souls.

Parish records are a valuable source for the study of population dynamics in history. Although often fragmented and scattered in territorio6, they act as true civil registry, at least until the end of the eighteenth century, when this task was assumed by the state. The statement, with the already mentioned Rituale Romanum, the same way in which these records were to be compiled, allowing historians and demographers now to access detailed and consistent series of population data d 'ancien regime .


Filoramo, John-Menozzi, Daniele (ed.), History of Christianity . The modern age , Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1997.
Coppola, Gaura-Large, Casimira (ed.), counts of souls: parish registers and population: methodological issues and experiences , Bologna, Il Mulino, 1989.
Del Panta, Lorenzo-Rettaroli, Ross, Introduction to historical demography , Roma, Laterza, 1994.
Pasi, Antonia, Count men. Sources of demographic history methods topics, Milano, LED, 1992.


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