Saturday, February 5, 2011

Purple Highlights In Dark Brown Hair

Donald H. Menzrl and Jay M. Pasachoff
Zanichelli Editore
size 15x21, 5x2 cm
weight 782 gr.

It 's a book full of photographs (230), seventh lunar maps, 52 cards as a star atlas, 72 maps per month (the earth rotates and moves so I do not always see the same stars (except for Polar Bear which is above the North Pole, and then we see the time, not just those that are further south).
It's never been a passion, but he left me a little Ferruccio, a boy not even thirty years old, died of cancer a working wife and two young children suffered now too big for their age. He said that there was someone up there and maybe now he's over there to tell all he knows the land and other skies. Perhaps it also speaks to me. It must be like. Iron, was a good mechanic, two children, had far too much creativity, imagination almost too much, threw himself into crazy structures that needed to curb otherwise would have died much earlier. We went to Corbetta (MI), at the home of his father who also died young. In Milan there is too much light even when there is electrical failure at night. You never see anything. He took me into the attic, his kingdom, which was also that of his father. Maps stellari attaccate ai muri. Le disegnava lui, e teneva conto degli spostamenti della terra. Aveva teorie sue su tutto quello che stava in aria. Una testa fra le nuvole e una voglia di mangiarsi sempre libri, solo le figure però. Di teoria non gli interessava nulla, per lui tutto era superato. Tutto era diverso, tutto era troppo terreno per stare lassù. Questo libro, era un regalo che dovevo fargli, ma non feci in tempo. Tutti i lavoretti extra che mi faceva gli davo un libro. Avevo bisogno di un'officina attrezzata, noi facevamo fare tutto fuori, però mancava sempre qualcosa. Io e Ferro, pur essendo tutti e due della stessa multinazionale, eravamo di due divisioni diverse pur lavorando, uno, a 10 metri dell'altro. Io davo una mano a lui per le sue cosette private, e lui dava l'officina a me. Io lavoravo a Milano, lui veniva da un'altra galassia. Quasi mai coi piedi per terra come tutti quelli che guardano le stelle in continuazione.
Il libro, è essenzialmente una guida alle stelle, a come riconoscerle ad occhio nudo. Occorre non perdere la bussola come facevano i naviganti e come fecero a loro spese con l'inspiegabile rotazione degli astri ... o forse della terra? Tutto è relativo. Si parla di stelle e non del microscopico nostro sistema solare, dove per adesso pare abbiamo idee abbastanza certe. Il cielo è infinito, e forse qualcuno ci ascolta e si chiede cosa cavolo stiamo facendo. "If you ever find a Pharaoh on the road, maybe I would say that the Sun is stationary and the sky turns around, and if I had a Pope, I would say that everything revolves around the Earth. The reality is that we are too old and reasons, all with their heads in prehistoric times, there's all different "So
used to say, and perhaps, some reason he had. For him, the universe was "... a bag of confetti bursting and flying all over the world" and perhaps he was right ... until they arrived that the cleaner, to erase everything and blame him.


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