Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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re-emerge Roman fragments in the soil between Vizzolo P. and Sordio

Twenty-two archaeological excavations before Tem to Vizzolo Predabissi. To light the remains of Roman agricultural pipes and fragments of brick, maybe dump a furnace, also in Rome, near the Via Emilia. This is the result of an inconspicuous but necessary step to relax before the six lanes of the new bypass: the geological and archaeological importance. For more than a year who has noticed the watchful eye of technicians to work with stakes e altri attrezzi nella fascia di territorio fra Vizzolo Predabissi e Sordio. Sono stati fatti ventidue “buchi” in mezzo a 500 ettari di campi. Prima sono arrivate ditte specializzate in rilievi elettromagnetici, poi sono iniziati i carotaggi e le cosiddette “trincee” per andare in profondità. Il risultato degli scavi è ormai chiaro ed è comunque affascinante, anche se si muove dentro coordinate previste. Sotto la futura Tem sono stati trovati manufatti di epoca romana, palesemente collegati alla vicina presenza di una strada che ha 2100 anni e tuttora fa il suo mestiere, la via Emilia appunto. «Abbiamo rinvenuto in particolare due opere di canalizzazione agricola, due canali di scolo, e buche contenenti residui di laterizio, in all likelihood processing waste from the furnace - a summary of the technical work, on secondment from a company Emilia -, all of Roman but obviously you can not determine which, given the duration of the same period in question. The outcrops are all on the north side of Highway 9 toward Casalmaiocco short. " It is not certain of these findings to rewrite local history (or to stop the Tem), but the geo-archaeological campaign is deemed interesting by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, which has so far ruled out without covering the historical traces of return to dig. The pieces emerged from the distant past blend well with other details known about this area in pre-modern era. Vizzolo that was already inhabited in Roman times is easily derived just by looking at the apse of the church of Calverley, which incorporates recycled parts of pre-Christian sarcophagi in the Middle Ages. Unlikely to be lived rather than just the "Campagnoni" to Sordio: "We are too far from the presumed age villages," notes the fact that researchers have brought to light - even in pieces - vases, ornaments or coins. What has emerged, especially drainage, falls are likely in the known system of agriculture "centuriazione", ie the geometric division of cultivated land. Source
The Citizen


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