Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kirkland European Cookies

Impianti elettrici

Polettini Aldo (Dr. Ing)
Editrice Vannini
size 17x24, 5x2 cm.
peso 840 gr.

Questi libri  erano pesanti di loro, figurarsi mettersi a capirli. Ho ancora il segno della tracolla di quegli anni di scuola. In copertina c'è la foto della centrale idroelettrica di Cimego (TN). In copertina ci metti quanto di meglio e di attuale credi ci sia sul mercato. Questa è energia pulita, ... ma non per tutti. Voi ve la immaginate una diga sopra la testa? Allora la chiamavano " colonizzazione idroelettrica del Trentino ". In quella zona poi c'erano reperti archeologici dei romani, non c'era molto lavoro, ma c'era invece la CGIL. Anche allora c'era il partito del "NO!" E come non dargli ragione. Chi non si ricorda di Spar ? 1800 deaths, a trifle compared to 65 immediate Chernobyl , plus another 4000 for the consequences presumed dead after 70anni, or 6 million according to estimates by Greenpeace (the numbers are different , again, because the protesters have always a higher number of counts due to side streets, the Police Department to evaluate compliance with the square) For those who do not remember there is always a good Paolini to tell the Vajont .
Now we would ask: If it were not for hydropower plants with steam trains would we? "And there
would be evaluated: "fill a hill or a field of silicon solar panels, or towers 150 meters (the video gives me vertigo and depth of foundation not visible) , with blades 50 meters in case of hurricane would be risk-free? "
consider that the population is growing and hungry as well, (the FAO speaks for time global famine, although those with the refrigerator full, they say that's not true but stories assembled ad hoc to milk funds). What can we afford to reject even in this world of ours?

Di Pietro says no wind.
Di Pietro says is wind.
(I'm not able to put the link, there are not infinite and endless yeah) Do not give me
other taxes, I also finished the savings bank, and I do not give more to charity, even sitting on the ground outside the door of the church . All the big green-and deficit in power are living on government subsidies ... I do not pay it, I do not anymore.


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