Paolo Sesti, presidente della Federazione Motociclistica Italiana, risponde al Cai: non è vero che la montagna vada vissuta solo a piedi.
Paolo Sesti, presidente della Federazione Motociclistica Italiana interviene e replica alla lettera aperta del Cai che chiedeva un intervento di controllo e di sensibilizzazione per contrastare il danneggiamento dei sentieri da parte dei mezzi motorizzati che scorrazzano indisturbati in montagna (leggi la lettera del Cai).
L’obiettivo di salvaguardare il patrimonio della montagna e dalla sua rete sentieristica rappresenta uno degli obiettivi priority for Motoclub, affiliated to the Italian Motorcycle Federation, to promote nature tourism, historical, cultural, rural and agri-food, in full synergy with the environment as it is promoted by the CAI in the letter.
In particular, in the Province of Bergamo and around the country, are numerous events and amateur sports, with the conscious use of motorcycles, carry a significant contribution to the economy of the local community where, with the presence of fans in bike, you have the opportunity to make known the products which come from the mountains and the local natural attractions. The same
Motoclub Bergamo has made known il nome della sua provincia a livello Mondiale organizzando eventi titolati a livello internazionale sul suo territorio ma ha anche “esportato” la sua professionalità oltre oceano per contribuire alla gestione dei medesimi eventi in altri continenti portando ai massimi livelli il nome della Provincia che ha visto nascere campioni sportivi nella disciplina motorizzata “fuoristrada”
Tale contributo positivo però vede anche il mantenimento in vita della rete dei sentieri e delle mulattiere dovuto alla presenza delle escursioni motorizzate amatoriali che, prevalentemente, vengono effettuate sui tracciati più impervi e meno utilizzati dall’escursionismo pedonale.
In moltissimi casi di questi particolari tracciati, senza the presence of motorcyclists, it would lose usability, memory, and with it the rural history of the territory which they were born.
The reports of our members report in fact situations increasingly apparent acceptance of hiking driven by real local people, governments see the presence of positive events taking place that enhance the area so that, for the same if they get sponsored by the administrations themselves.
From the standpoint of safety have been situations where the presence of motorcyclists has been key to the salvation of mushroom hunters or lost people that were found before it was too late.
From the ethical standpoint, however, can be less shared the view expressed by the CAI of the need to approach the mountain on foot to "enjoy all the physical and spiritual that gives us" because there are ways and situations compatible with mountain that does not necessarily exclude the use of modern equipment.
Climbing the mountain, the lifts for skiing, the presence of mountain huts (among many other things managed by CAI), mountain biking, paragliding, horseback riding, allow people to experience the mountains, however, provide exploitation of fossil fuels, the use of motor vehicles per avvicinarsi alla montagna, la presenza significativa e permanente di infrastrutture che probabilmente sono molto più incisive sull’ambiente montano rispetto all’escursionismo motorizzato.
Per il frequentatore della montagna in moto o a piedi la possibilità di trovarsi in un contesto naturalistico incontaminato è prevalente rispetto all’esigenza di mutare le caratteristiche dello stesso per creare condizioni di utilizzo in altri modi della stessa montagna.
Per natura però lo spirito di tolleranza che ci contraddistingue non ci porta a pensare che l’uso etico della montagna sia esclusivo solo di una determinata porzione di persone e solo per un fine esclusivo.
Certo, siamo consapevoli che un uso indiscriminato half of the motor can be critical, in fact, this Association is activating specific initiatives aimed at mitigation of possible impacts arising from road motorcycle on a natural background.
primary objective is therefore the reduction of emissions from motor vehicles, the public share of the sporty nature of part of the engine that finds its precise location within the activities of CONI, the promotion of scholarships aimed at creating a new figure of experts who can generate more solutions aimed at reducing the potential impacts that would be created by the indiscriminate use of motor vehicles. We are confident that what
represented by a note of the CAI is due to an incomplete picture of the context of the use of mechanical equipment in the mountains, unfortunately, probably due to an ethical vision that takes into account certain aspects of that ruling, in fact, is not reflected among people who "live "and know the mountain and the land.
Network, upon approval of the Document of the Central Committee in 2006, the CAI promulgated a survey on the use of motor vehicles that saw a net benefit to the consumer than those who were opposed. Nevertheless this
Federation stands ready to open consultation with interested bodies a time for discussion and consultation about of motor vehicles in the mountains with the aim to share a path of further improving the sustainability of our sports and hiking in motion.
Paolo Sesti
Bergamonews - February 24, 2011
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