Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Carrara: meno «cattedrali verdi» più spazi alla caccia

"I'd like to continue to hunt, as my father until the age of 84 years, but if we go on like this the first stop. "

said Senator Valerio Carrara on Sunday in the assembly's annual hunters Sedrina section to emphasize the bleak picture for hunting. "We must defend our passion - debuted Carrara - and reach an agreement with farmers so that we can keep an area suitable for viewing wildlife. Are wasted money to make "green cathedrals", rather than provide for the defense of our heritage, which also would require investments of a few hundred euro. " The assembly of shotguns

sedrinesi opened with the delivery of a plaque to the son of Mario Fustinoni, socio sedrinese association for more than twenty years, died last year. "Despite what has just ended was one of the worst years of hunting - said the president Gianfranco Fustinoni - our group has expanded to have 108 members. We have penalized the weather of recent months they have done to change course of the bird migration. In addition to problems associated with the exemptions allowed by Region and wildlife plans to renovate. "
"This year will drive away with the old plan of game - said Lorenzo Bertacchi, provincial president of Federcaccia -.

But in 2012 you will find an agreement between all interested entities to define the level of game. If the plan is pre-Alpine will lose 8,045 acres of land on which some 300 hunting and stalking. " "I thank all the hunters - Orpheus said Damiani, Councillor Hunt Valley Brembana of the mountain community - because despite the difficulties are the sentinels of our country." At the meeting there were also regional councilors, and Peter Charles Saffioti Macconi well the Provincial Council and the Secretary Matthew Malighetti scope subalpine Silvano Sonzogni.

Gabriella Pellegrini - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Sunday, February 27, 2011, page 37

Editor's note:

Probably the plate of the "sling" Senator Carrara, weighs more the possible contribution of hunters than the election of his countrymen.
The "Green Cathedral," one of the few contributions to the summer tourism in the Basin in recent years it has become, for the Parliamentary funding removed from the His passion "shooting." The inhabitants of the Basin
thank you!


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