Massimo Cotto (which tells Francesco Guccini)
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Weight (great, even if the scale says 525 gr.)
There is the introduction of Luciano Ligabue, but what the book is written in the back cover.
"A book mountaineer, who knows the ground, in a world too often covered with plastic
I remember Fernanda Pivano with his damned poets, angry forever. Guccini no, always calm. So honest and straightforward in his life, that I could steal it and I would say that is not true.
Every time I pick up this book I have the chills, thrills me, I feel that there is in there Best Emilia. The best history of Italy, a philosophy so much as time passes it is useless to scramble to change it to something else. Guccini would never have been born in a village hard-working and busy. To write as he must live there, hearing the sound of flowing Limentra in a hurry and go down to the "lake" Suviana. He was the Apennines, child waiting to pass the war, down on the plain, and yet the war came even from those forests. And 'a' official biography, "though I imagine him sitting in front of the restaurant with two glasses and a bottle of wine and watch the hills are lost in the mists of the low and shaking his head in front of all hypocrisy. It may be hailed as a De Andrè ma a Guccini non è mai fregato far carriera. Suona la chitarra, scrive poesie senza metterci toni forti, ma tanta intelligenza e conoscenza. Lo hanno costretto a diventare autore, altrimenti non si potevano cantare i sui testi. Mi piacerebbe vedere il mulino di Pàvana più delle piramidi d'Egitto o della tour Eiffel. Li c'è la storia di un uomo di fede comunista fino in fondo, un purista, o forse solo di un poeta del tempo e dei ricordi ma certamente del più colto (per me senza riserve) dei cantautori italiani.
L'ho visto una volta sola, in una palestra, cantare e di tanto in tanto dare un tiro al bottiglione di Lambrusco. Era da solo con la sua chitarra, seduto su una sedia contro il muro con un microfono e un amplificatore 4-money but was enough to warm the hearts of all. I always dream that they are watching Guccini Via Emilia could also see the American president with Donald Duck. I think it's one of the best books of philosophy that I have ... if not the best (and certainly do not speak of Togliatti).
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