Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Black And Blue Bugatti Rebates

The survey by the San Pellegrino Serina

I commercianti «Paesi poco vitali e poveri di eventi»
L'indagine da San Pellegrino alla Valle Serina
Chiedono più parcheggi e itinerari gastronomici
Promossi sicurezza e qualità degli spazi pubblici

Più eventi e intrattenimenti serali. In poche parole occorre rendere più vivaci i paesi. La richiesta arriva dal distretto del commercio «Fontium e mercatorum» che riunisce San Pellegrino, Serina, Costa Serina, Cornalba, Bracca e Oltre il Colle.
È il risultato di un'indagine effettuata dalla società «Trade lab» per conto del distretto e presentata nei giorni scorsi Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo (who signed the agreement of the district), Roberto Ghidotti present Ascom, Filippo Castelli Confesercenti and administrators of the six towns.

Offer good commercial
155 traders were interviewed (60 in San Pellegrino, 6 arms, 12 in Costa Serina, 24 to 53 to Over the Hill and Serina ), representing different types of activities : shops, bars and restaurants.
traders have expressed positive opinions regarding safety, commercial offer (price, schedule, quality) and quality of urban environment (cleaning, maintenance and general condition of public areas of the country). "The problems to solve according to traders - said Oliviero Ridge" Trade lab "- mainly the quality of cultural events and events, considered little more than enough with a score of 2.1 on a scale from one to four, and accessibility, as assessed by 2.3 points.

rather low, the evaluation of the living area: approximately 30% of respondents say that their shared little or nothing to liveable. With some differences: Serina and San Pellegrino are better than the average of other municipalities. In addition, over 60% of traders believes that its area of \u200b\u200bactivity in recent years have seen un riduzione della vitalità e della frequentazione. Nel complesso, il distretto viene visto come poco vitale, soprattutto se si confronta la situazione attuale con quella di qualche anno fa.

Tante le proposte avanzate dai commercianti per cercare di rivitalizzare i paesi: ai primi posti la richiesta di un aumento dei parcheggi e della ricettività turistica, seguita dall'introduzione di itinerari enogastronomici e dalla creazione di eventi che valorizzino prodotti tipici, iniziative culturali, sportive e teatrali.

«Servono bus navetta»
Per vivacizzare i centri, oltre a un'opera di restyling degli arredi urbani, secondo gli imprenditori del commercio, dei servizi e del turismo, urgono una maggiore animazione serale, iniziative di intrattenimento mirate, riservate a bambini e adulti e a un miglioramento dei collegamenti, con la possibile introduzione di bus navetta.
L'indagine tra i commercianti rappresenta peraltro solo il primo passo dell'attività di studio e monitoraggio prevista dal distretto. Seguirà, infatti, una fase che coinvolgerà i consumatori e i frequentatori del distretto stesso. «La conoscenza e l'analisi dei bisogni del territorio e delle opportunità dell'area, infatti – ha concluso Cresta – consentiranno di intervenire con azioni mirate per migliorare l'attrattività dei comuni interessati».

Giovanni Ghisalberti - L'Eco di Bergamo - Martedì 15 Marzo PROVINCE 2011, page 39

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can Facebook Provide You A Login History?

March 17, Feast of the Unification of Italy. Hours of public-service

On March 17, is a national holiday to mark the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy: for the day Thursday's change the times of many services, from bus to tram to hospitals. Here all the details.

Atb Teb and reported that Thursday, March 17, during the National Day for the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, buses, trams and cable cars are driven with festive time.

also rest on the blue lines will follow the rules festive. All information, times, and breaking news Atb Teb and are available on the websites and www.atb.bergamo.it www.teb.bergamo.it. Contacts and information: ATB Point, Largo Porta Nuova, 16-Bergamo every weekday from Monday to Friday from 8:20 am to 18:45 hours and on Saturdays from 9.30 am to 14.30.Gli operators respond to requests by phone or the number 035.236026 e-mail to e-mail atbpoint@atb.bergamo.it

TO Bergamo Hospital
On Thursday 17 March - inform the United Hospitals of Bergamo - the CUPS, the Public Relations Office and the Center Withdrawals Riuniti Hospital will be closed, like all surgeries, except for the oncologist who work regularly in accordance with the timetable of activities already planned. Via the external pharmacy Statute will be open from 9 to 13.30 and from 15 to 20. From 20 until 9 o'clock the next day will be operational, but closed doors. The United Hospitals of Bergamo for the entire day of celebration, however, ensure all the emergency services, emergency, operating 365 days a year, 24 hours 24.

Although 17 is a festive day in Bergamo, the mayor has ordered the Franco Tentorio Notwithstanding diveito baking: you can then buy regular everywhere and fresh bread.

Thursday, March 17 's of Bergamo Ascom will close its offices to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. Will be closed and the offices of two city venues and those of the territorial delegations.


Thursday, March 17 the CUP, the point of collection, radiology and outpatient services to all the Humanitas Gavazzeni will be closed. The hospital, like all public holidays, of course, provides emergency services, urgently.

L'Eco di Bergamo - March 14, 2011 Chronicle

How To Use A Cheat Engine On Poptroci

good living doing well

di Harold S. Kushner
Casa Editrice Corbaccio
dimensioni 13,7x20,5x1,3 cm.
peso 192 gr.

di questi tempi riuscire a farlo è difficile.
Basta guardare le notizie che arrivano da ogni parte del pianeta.
Come ricostruire il Giappone? Ricorrendo alla ri-costruzione! "Lo dice la parola stessa" direbbe Lubrano.
Quindi in borsa, mentre tutto crolla, le società delle costruzioni schizzano del +30% sul listino nipponico. Anche se adesso perdono, poi occorreranno macchine movimento terra, ma anche nuovi impianti tecnologici e armamenti militari (si sono having a little 'hunting under the rubble). A little 'debate in the nuclear industry, energy, but so far so normal. If there are devastating consequences, all serve as a crash test, how do I check the safety of cars.
I look at the war, Libya. Gaddafi's father, was also willing to go as long as the cash without hassle of international processes. Too many attempts for him and never had neither the face nor the martyr mystic. The visits with Silvio convinced that it should, money and power are nothing if we do not spend them. The son "enlightened" (for the western world) should not have the same opinions. Saif el Islam, his father was against Pima (do so all the children of rich people, are with the Communists until they have a chair in the board of amministrazionee) is now against all, he is getting (free) Libya. And now what? Libya Gaddafi and with her back to gas, oil, banking and construction. The shoulder was not there ... shit! Or maybe everyone is waiting to see Gaddafi worn before taking action? The feeling is taking it one more time where we make the egg ... or maybe not? We'll see what will make our balance. Of course, if our first line is Frattini, the face is more to Little Friar (I think they face the Barilla or maybe if you Valsugana taragna). But let me return
the book. The author is a rabbi who is always inspired by the Bible and especially the figure of Jacob and his dream of climbing the ladder reaching to heaven. So the desire of all to succeed, to reach the summit, even illegal means, but then to be honored as good and decent people. The people then you know, is always the winner, as the stadium. All this is possible? According to Harold, and also according to Silvio, but also according to Muhammad Yunus the 2006 Nobel prize for peace.
Yunus is the theorist of microcredit, which is of growing giving everyone the chance to grow (also inadequate to micro enterprises). The principle is the opposite of what so far has held up in the West namely that the "drip". Dripping means we continue to grow in large groups so they will receive even small drops. A method impossible to govern. How can we continue to grow in well with a rising population. It would be an accomplishment not collapse. But microcredit not doing better. Ethical banks are ethical only for themselves. No dividends to shareholders and small and medium-high rates on loans impossible.
Yunus then, years ago, has also attempted to organize his own political party. Ahhhh Jacob, Jacob! Now it has even been sacked from the same bank that he founded. " tax evaders " say opponents. As Silvio had long demonstrated its crash test, a rich man who goes into politics must also end badly Confalonieri and had told them. Maybe if you are out is even worse. Silvio has always reply "I want the communists to steal televisions and here (Bangladesh) it seems that the policy will take over 955 million dollars in loans from the Grameen Bank to 8 million poor women.
us? If we are not communists as it was Saif el Islam until a few days ago, we have to read the book of Job to learn patience. We miss the AC to be of Jacob, and I'm not talking about some of Catholic but dell'Actiregularis houses (bifid of Activia, which regulates the intestine and removes ache)