Il presidente della Federazione motociclistica italiana:
«Così tuteliamo la montagna»
Moto e montagna non sono incompatibili, anzi i motociclisti sono una risorsa per le Orobie. È questa la posizione espressa da Paolo Sesti, presidente della Federazione motociclistica italiana, riguardo al recente intervento critico del Club alpino italiano sugli escursionisti motorizzati, rei di danneggiare alcuni tracciati. «Salvaguardare the heritage of the mountain and its network of paths - Sixth replica - is a priority for Motoclub, affiliated to the Italian Motorcycling Federation, to promote nature tourism, historical, cultural, rural and agri-food in full synergy with the environment so how it is promoted by Cai.
Sesti recalls that in Bergamo are numerous events and amateur sports, with the conscious use of motorcycles, a leading contribution to the economy of the local community. "Such positive contribution - Sesti said - but also sees the continued life of network of footpaths and mule tracks due to the presence of motorized trips amateur, mostly, are carried out on the roughest trails and less-used pedestrian from the excursion. In many cases, these particular tracks, without the presence of motorcyclists, we would lose usability, the memory and with it the rural history of the territory which they were born. From the standpoint of safety have been situations where the presence of motorcyclists has been key to the salvation of mushroom hunters or lost people that were found before it was too late. "
thinner on the front of the issue of ethics, namely the most correct way to approach and appreciate the mountain environment. Sesti notes that "climbing, i rifugi e gli impianti di risalita comportano l'impiego di combustibili fossili, mezzi a motore» per avvicinarsi alla montagna e infrastrutture «che probabilmente sono molto più incisive sull'ambiente montano rispetto all'escursionismo motorizzato». Da qui la riflessione che «un uso indiscriminato del mezzo a motore può essere critico, infatti questa Federazione sta attivando iniziative specifiche finalizzate alla mitigazione di possibili impatti derivanti dall'attività motociclistica su viabilità a fondo naturale. Obiettivo prioritario è perciò la riduzione delle emissioni dei mezzi a motore».
Secondo Sesti la nota del Cai è «dovuta a una visione incompleta del contesto dell'utilizzo dei mezzi mechanics in the mountains, unfortunately, probably due to an ethical vision that takes into account certain aspects of that ruling, in fact, is not reflected among people who "live" and know the mountain and the land. " The chairman of the IMF concluded by noting that in 2006, "Cai promulgated a survey on the use of motor vehicles that saw a net benefit to the consumer than those who were against."
But Orobievive dispute "is a practical absurdity"
"The coordination of Orobievive endorses the call made by CAI Bergamo on the serious issue of off-road vehicles on trails in the mountains of Bergamo. The coordination of Orobievive, including Fab, Italy Nostra, Legambiente, Mountain Wilderness and WWF, said a few things: "The damage done by such means as motocross, quads and snowmobiles on the fragile mountain environment is seriously impacting species when these abandoned vehicles and roads to venture mule careless ones in raids on high altitude grasslands, forests and even in rivers with serious effects on flora and fauna of these sites. Unfortunately, the usual practice and verifiable by all hikers and frustrates the good intentions of the different motorcycle clubs would be followed by fans. " A
Orobievive appear "absurd instances of those who would impose the right to pursue an activity that goes against all rule of common sense. This is not to be able to do what you want based on a questionable criterion of personal freedom, it is respect for rules and regulatory criteria but not all. There is a definite regional law cited in the letter of Cai and this should only be cut off any discussion. " "It should be noted - said the co-ordination - in Trentino Alto Adige things are very different and no one will ever find a motocross where there should not be there. Perhaps you should think about these things when, on the part of operators and administrators, he chases the model for our Orobie Trentino.
L'Eco di Bergamo - Monday, March 7, 2011 PROVINCE, page 20
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