Se lo domanda Berlusconi, posso quindi chiedermelo anch'io.
Ha senso continuare a morire in Afghanistan per la pace? La pace di chi?
A me sembra che qui sia come in borsa o come al gioco del lotto. Quando si compra un titolo che continua a perdere o si punta su una cinquina che non esce mai. Anzichè ammettere l'errore (e raccontare alle famiglie dei morti che c'è stato uno sbaglio), si aumenta in continuazione la puntata, per recuperare in caso di vincita quanto già perso.
Le vite perse non si recupereranno più, come non si recupereranno i denari investiti in resources and military resources.
What is the meaning of this war? ... and other similar wars?
would be easier to have a nation Taliban and send him to the first four bombs without evil intention to send soldiers. I have filled the San Marzano of people going to the streets to demonstrate why they are dead three civilians instead of military dirty six (lives are lives, with uniform or with the straps that are a farmer)
When you vote in parliament, are almost all agree. What is there on the left or right leaning more military intervention, but benefits from?
We do not do anything, we are small, we are poor. We should farcene a reason. They should accept it even the great hierarchs and grand strategy, they were born in a small flag. From us is the minister of defense prior offense, but this is old news but it never changes. Each return of the dead, all to get their hands on cash at the airport, and regret with the family. But why continue to send them to us?
In Egypt and Tunisia, the effects were felt in the square when the people already there. In Iraq the Americans are gone, but it is not all quiet and we will have really won something? We bring the medicines that maybe we buy from Germany, France, England and America, so they love us ... or maybe we think we have big houses Pharmaceutical (Chicco aside)?
We had privileged relations with Libya, and now?
The British, pirates always are considering armed intervention in Libya, the Americans and keep them in check because you want to sit at the table first. Col., then promises its oil to China and India, and sends Berlusconi Arcore, or perhaps beyond, to Usmate (Lombard dialect that has its own way). If there is something in common, they all go to the slaughter. The colonel does not yield, so the stars are like Gaddafi Negroni, millions of millions. Executioner who spring in Libya.
We are in Afghanistan and all the forgotten places of the world, we are there to die in peace, then we do the trick because the merchant ships in Somalia should not be armed, or some feel-good s'incazza. Let us prove ourselves to count for something, but do not count anything. Less than Japan, the face of all that goes on to hunt whales, because they believe it's become longer. Us which of us know we have hard (at least in the North), traded the political clout that we have not screw with military trenches. This is a world of madmen and we adhere to the protocol of the asylum world not to be left out. If there is one criticism to make someone go to read Pravda or the Times, but because we never cook our strings? So much
arithmetic, zero zero zero or always zero. I also know that the Swiss have all the gold and send more than military dress carnival at the Vatican (in case something should happen and had not realized that it has always been a joke).
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