Monday, March 7, 2011

Blue Book For Shotguns


La Carbonara mishandles the Lions (14-7) .
Mister: pensiamo a vincere una partita alla volta

Una Carbonara cinica e spietata non fa sconti ai malcapitati Leoni ( vedi foto, ndr ) e dopo tre sconfitte consecutive torna alla vittoria con un roboante 14-7 che la proietta in testa alla classifica del gironcino degli scaci. La Carbonara si presentava in campo priva degli indisponibili Bio , Gatto , Collins e Ruttolo e dei lungodegenti Betti e Max Tortora e veniva schierata da mister Mulinacci con Frati tra i pali, capitan Pecchione vertice basso, Piccio e Becker sulle ali e Bomber Pizzo terminale offensivo. Arbitro dell’incontro l’internazionale Rotobrawn. Squadra compatta e concentratissima che si portava alla fine del primo tempo sul risultato di 8-2. Già nel corso del primo tempo il mister operava i cambi necessari per far rifiatare i gioattori e dare minutaggio a tutti dopo la sosta. La partita terminava 14-7 grazie ai 6 gol di Piccio , 5 di Pizzo , 2 Becker e al sigillo finale di Re Magio , senza naturalmente dimenticare un paio di parate fantastiche del Portiere di Notte . La Carbonara è tornata con grande determinazione, c’è stato qualche calo di tension during the race but the team was as cynical as ever in this league. Where will this Carbonara? Toss and turn at this point to coach the question: " We aim to reach as high as possible while remaining down to earth, in fact we think to win a game at a time. The enthusiasm is there, the will to win anyway, because I liked the boys always very concentrated and cynical as ever, I am confident for the pursuit of the group. I did all the compliments, but now we think and Casole battiamoli! "

report cards of Zuliani
Night Porter _7, 5 First time almost spectator, the second takes a couple of miracles. GATE
Pecchioni _ 7.5 Solita safety on defense. PILLAR
Piccio _ 8, the best performance ever washed by 6 goals. CURSOR
Becker _7, 5 play for the team and the results are there, if this continues there is none for anybody. LEADER
Pizzo _ 7.5 runs, marks, doubles, trade with everyone ... not just BOMBER
Bartolo _ 7 make do with craft Brindellone against the opponent. Clever
Bubo _ 6.5 runs like crazy but always slips at the time of the shooting, when he does pull the classical cillatina. GENEROUS
Re magus _7 Solita provide all heart and determination and leave us a sign by which end the round.
Cream _7 enters and is involved in the party, pity about that shot that deserved a better fate. FORCEFUL
Sasa _7 He plays with grit and cripples the goalkeeper risking yellow. MOWER


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