The scholars say the Park
Sightings in decline, but it is a sign that "they are feeling the land '
Sightings in decline, but it is a sign that "they are feeling the land '
sightings of wolves on Orobie fell from 30 to 7 in 2010
Bears and wolves may return, permanently, to live in our mountains. The experts say the Park Orobie Bergamo, although traces of the presence of two major predators are significantly declined last year. The 'hit and run "of large predators in 2010, in fact, could be the classic mode of colonization of new territories by individuals attracted to an area with ideal characteristics for their survival. These conclusions are reached Chiara Crotti and Peter Milanese, led by Alberto Meriggi, a researcher at the Department of Animal Biology, University of Pavia.
Retreat from JJ5
In particular, the bear, when he came home JJ5 Adamello, it seems almost disappeared from the Park Orobie: observations dropped from 91 recorded in May 2008 to September 2009, 15 the period between September 2009 and October 2010. Nello stesso periodo, però, si sono intensificate le osservazioni di orso nelle province di Brescia e di Sondrio, segno di una continua dispersione di questi animali che potrebbe portare altri orsi a insediarsi temporaneamente o stabilmente sulle montagne bergamasche.
Il lupo, avvistamenti in calo
Le osservazioni riguardanti il lupo sono allo stesso modo in discesa, da 30 a 7. «Di solito nelle fasi iniziali di una colonizzazione si osserva una presenza instabile e l'assenza di eventi riproduttivi. In seguito la presenza si fa più prolungata, il numero degli esemplari che si stabilizzano aumenta e, infine, si arriva alla riproduzione – ha spiegato il presidente del Parco delle Orobie Bergamasche, Franco Grassi -. At this point there can be considered stabilized and colonized the area, provided that in the meantime, external events, such as unlawful killings, do not disrupt the balance that has been created. "
The burrow and the couple
The fact that recently has been identified a den of wolves and two specimens of this species have been seen together, reinforces the argument that the Bergamo Alps Orobiche environmental characteristics have to be fit to return, as in the past, an important area of \u200b\u200bspontaneous colonization by these two species of large carnivores. Why to attend a real fundamental re-colonization is the protection of protected areas from hunting and a hostile attitude of the population to these animals. This is why the Park has promoted a survey to understand that feelings feed the population of the valley to the wolf and the bear, which showed so much confusion on the subject and some fear.
"The respondents showed little knowledge of how things really are and in fact the majority would like more information. The minority however does not consider them rightly, dangerous animals and difficult to approach the man, as to prefer areas that are very quiet, far from tourist routes and hiking trails, "concludes Grassi.
L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Sunday, March 6, 2011, page 39
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