''In Lombardy the infiltration of gangs advances, as has recently warned the National Anti-Mafia Directorate.'' The highlights of the Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi.
''In Lombardy the infiltration of gangs advances, as has recently warned the National Anti-Mafia Directorate.'' The highlights of the Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, speaking at the University 'of Milan during a conference on gangs in Milan and in the north. The complaints of''criminal association with the Mafia - ha proseguito Draghi - si sono concentrate fra il 2004 e il 2009 per quattro quinti nelle province di Milano, Bergamo e Brescia''. "La criminalità organizzata puo' sfibrare il tessuto di una societa', puo' mettere a repentagliola democrazia, frenarla dove debba ancora consolidarsi".
Al centro nord la presenza mafiosa rimane un fenomeno d'importazione, anche se c'è una preoccupante saldatura con le mafie tradizionali per il crimine organizzato come l'usura, il riciclaggio e le estorsioni. Draghi ha poi detto che l'80% delle denunce per associazione mafiosa in Lombardia ha riguardato nello stesso periodo, individui provenienti da Calabria, Sicilia e Campania.
Contrastare i tentativi di infiltrazione mafias in Northern Italy is one of the things that would serve "to remove one of the brakes that slow down the path of our economy." "The price that society pays-when-Draghi said is contaminated by organized crime, the worst in terms of civil society and non-economic development is high. Fighting the mafia, the hold that they are still in the South, which attempted in the infultrazioni North, serves to strengthen the social fiber of the country but also to remove one of the brakes that slow down the path of our economy. "
To successfully fight the Mafia some "heroes" in the past have even sacrificed their lives. "The successes are not missed - Draghi said, referring to action to combat crime ' carried out by police and prosecutors - sometimes with the sacrifice of the lives of some heroes. "
Bergamonews - Friday, March 11, 2011
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