Sergio Marzinotto CAI Bergamo responds to the tough tone of the Italian Motorcycle Federation President Paolo Sesti re-igniting debate over mountain bike (photo taken from
Dear Italian Motorcycle Federation President, I realize that chair a major federation (below the business aspect of) what is the Italian Motorcycle Federation can sometimes be a daunting task that involves the need for interventions may not be heard, although necessary to protect the interests of members of the same.
However, I am appalled by reading his letter of reply to the note of CAI Bergamo, who denies the presence of motorcyclists on mountain trails. Stunned because, given the impossibility of basing a defense based office, the latter being modest and discreet in an effort to find mitigating circumstances, not even be arrogant and opinionated.
With his words in fact, would even say non solo che per i motociclisti sia un sacrosanto diritto andare sui sentieri di montagna, ma che addirittura la cosa sia altamente benefica per la montagna stessa!
Lo slogan da Lei coniato è: “meno male che ci sono i motociclisti in montagna”. Sembra di sentire quei cacciatori che, nel voler motivare la loro attività venatoria, dicono di sparare agli animali perché amano la natura (e quindi anche gli animali a cui sparano, evidentemente!).
Sarebbe meglio ammettere la realtà, seppure tristissima, piuttosto che adottare teorie fasulle: i motociclisti che vanno in montagna non sono appassionati della montagna, ma solo del loro mezzo con il quale pretendono di dimostrare chissà quali capacità, senza alcuna sensitivity to their surroundings and without any concern for the environment they are going through.
I state that I am not a fanatic fundamentalist environmentalist (although after reading his letter I had the wish to become). I believe that only the "Mountain" and the more general nature, is a complex topic that needs to be addressed while maintaining all the different aspects and elements that may be involved.
be specific, do not think it necessary to remind you that the Italian legislation, both national and local, just to protect the mountain environment provides specific bans on motor vehicles, not just on mountain paths, but also on the cart and the mule intended to be used in farm vehicles licensed premises and means of rescue. Such prohibitions are routinely violated by mountain bikers who go to and which you claim to defend.
I think you, as president authoritative and clearly competent to Italian law, should steer away from these gentlemen, besides being of offenders, with the recklessness with which push their vehicles in the mountains cause damage referred probably ignore devastating effects.
Often, unfortunately, I meet during my trips. Do not I tell you the pleasure, the pleasure of hiking in a healthy environment, to feel suddenly the engine noise and exhaust fumes to breathe! Last winter, while salivo con gli sci il versante sud del M. Sirente, mi si affiancò un motociclista che guidava un quad.
Alle mie rimostranze (la circolazione è vietata sin dalla valle sottostante) si giustificò dicendo che mi stava aiutando aprendo la pista! Tralasciando i divieti di legge e tornando alla Sua lettera, taluni passi da Lei scritti lasciano veramente interdetti. A Suo dire l’andare in moto per montagne fornirebbe un contributo “positivo al mantenimento in vita della rete dei sentieri e delle mulattiere …sui tracciati più impervi e meno utilizzati dall’escursionismo pedonale.”… “Senza la presenza dei motociclisti se ne perderebbe la fruibilità”.
Ma ha idea di cosa sta parlando? He knows what features can have a path "impervious" classified EE? Know the environmental impact caused by pollution, not just the combustion of the propellant, but even more than noise?. Do you know what happens to the flora and fauna especially the passage of a motorcycle? There can be no protection of the environment if you do not protect the few areas where wildlife can live away from the attack of poisons and continuous loud noise!
not alone. When ever were found mushroom hunters or hikers lost by motorcyclists? What's different is to say that the Rangers or the mountain rescue, the only possess the technical skills necessarie, si avvalgono anche di mezzi quali la motocicletta.
E parla anche di etica. Ma quale può essere l’etica di un motociclista che invade la montagna, massacrando il fondo su cui cammina con il suo mezzo inquinante e rumoroso, spaventando gli animali? Sia se è inconsapevole (e ciò è già grave di per sé) o consapevole (e quindi senza nessuna sensibilità per l’ambiente circostante) le sue colpe e responsabilità non cambiano.
Lei giunge all’assurdo dichiarando che il frequentatore della montagna a piedi o in moto ha “la possibilità di trovarsi in un contesto naturalistico incontaminato”. Egregio Presidente, il contesto a cui Lei fa riferimento è tale soltanto if you avoid destroy it by means such as motorcycles.
Take my advice. Try to climb a mountain with his legs. You will see that it is very different from a path traced with the help of a motorized vehicle. Hard work and sweat will be well rewarded by the silence filled with rustling and calls of birds, and the continuous show that will show your eyes step by step. For more than a few miles we put the time, much more than if it used his beloved motorcycle, but it is worth it. The Mountain
needs respect, silence, of sacred awe, and not be plagued by conquerors on two wheels.
sponsors meetings in motorcycle racing tracks and playgrounds for motocross riders and takes away from the mountain trails. Who really loves you will be eternally grateful!
Regards. Sergio
Bergamonews - March 11, 2011
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