Over the Hill: the building which is located near the Resort guides the 'black list' regional
Built in the '60s and uninhabited, is five stories high, "stuffed" potentially dangerous fibers.
Built in the '60s and uninhabited, is five stories high, "stuffed" potentially dangerous fibers.
Dell'Alben check on the snow, for decades, a dilapidated building five stories high, each with an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 350 square feet, which houses a few hundred cubic meters of asbestos in the walls and structure. This is the condo "Alben" Oltre il Colle, in Valle Serina, located in the basin dell'Alben environmental and natural in a context of great value in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ski.
The report of Pirellone
The complex, which was declared habitable in 1966, appears in the first place in Lombardy in the unenviable ranking of sites where the asbestos, then a priority for remediation.
The figure emerges from a report of Region Lombardy, in particular coordinated by the Regional Planning, Daniele Belotti, in listing the main buildings with large quantities of asbestos or structures throughout the region who need remediation.
A "black list" of cases, more dangerous, which to first place Over the Hill, with a total score of 4512 points (to 681 away from the second site with the presence of asbestos in the Province of Milan).
"embarrassing situation"
The condo was sold in 1999 and that it is composed of five floors, three were purchased by the municipalities of Over the Hill and Serina to cost around 415 million di vecchie lire, mentre il quarto e quinto sono stati venduti invece a privati, che li hanno trasformati in monolocali e piccoli appartamenti. «È una situazione imbarazzante e difficile – commenta il sindaco di Oltre il Colle Rosanna Manenti –. L'edificio attualmente non è utilizzato da nessuno. Precedentemente aveva funzioni turistico-ricettive. Sull'edificio abbiamo una causa legale pendente, di cui ora non parlo. L'amianto si trova soprattutto attorno alle travi di ferro che sostengono il condominio, una procedura d'obbligo per le tecniche di costruzione dell'epoca».
Non ha mezzi termini, invece, il sindaco di Serina Michele Villarboito che definisce la situazione semplicemente assurda.
Situazione inherited
"We're talking about a true eco monster - says Villarboito -. A situation that I inherited from the previous administration, which includes only costs and no benefit to the community serinese.
Specifically, the two municipalities have inherited about a decade a lawsuit against the company that sold the property to two public bodies, without telling them of the presence of asbestos. "But the situation is even worse - adds Villarboito - back then, when the administration of Serina decided to buy the building, there was a clear negative opinion of the technical, which I was responsible, but despite the negative signal was following the procedure for the purchase, the outlay for the two municipalities of almost half a billion pounds and a few months after the lawsuit against the estate. For the past ten years we only support legal fees. "
"A recent report - said the first citizen of Serina - shows that the cost of disposal of asbestos in the walls harnessed, not worth the value of the entire structure."
Massimo Pesenti - L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Thursday, March 10, 2011, page 35
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