Christopher Knight and Alan Butler
Arethusa Editions
size 14x21x1, 7 cm.
weight 277 gr.
Maybe Facebook is used to make a revolution, or perhaps the Internet is useless, like all things that keep us busy on this earth. Steve Jobs is a genius, but all in all I lived even before the I-Pod (which I have, even if an MP3 player I have not had enough courage to let me miss). Maybe it's good to live long or maybe not useless, if you have a head full of worries and do not even have time to stop one evening to watch the stars that are in heaven. Exactly the stars. The need to talk to someone about things important, really important, someone who says of his distant skies. The need for answers that may not even exist, because they simply do not exist. Because life "is" and death "is not" just. Assuming God exists (or the Great Architect as it is written in the book), we are just grains of sand that sticks in the balls that he uses this to his game. One of the oldest civilizations perhaps other (that of the megalithic structures of Britain) used the sky as a calculator for everything. Maybe then lived less, but quickly gave more meaning to life and the universe, than it know how to give us.
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