Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Sew A Full Head Weave With A Side Bang

Turismo alternativo nell'albergo diffuso

Convegno a Ornica

Ornica - «Albergo diffuso», una tipologia di ricettività turistica per ridare sviluppo alla montagna abbandonata. Se ne parlerà sabato, in un  convegno organizzato a Ornica, da Legambiente Bergamo.
Proprio a Ornica, negli ultimi anni, per iniziativa della cooperativa «Donne di montagna», è sorto un albergo diffuso costituito da alcuni appartamenti con unica reception e ristorante. Una modalità di ricettività turistica, widespread for some time in Friuli, for example, who is trying to restore and development work at the small village of Valle Brembana.

Of Ornica (which last year received the green flag of Legambiente), other popular hotels and tourist experiences in the mountains, will be discussed during the conference moderated by the journalist of L'Eco di Bergamo "John Ghisalberti. From 16.30
intervene Fabio Cubit Legambiente, a representative of the national popular hotels, a representative of the cooperative "Women in the mountains," Mayor John Testa Ornica Gino Quarteroni and coordination of provincial Legambiente. This will be followed at 18.30, a drink with local products. To 19.30, then dinner at the restaurant Ruffoni.

Sunday at 9 am, meeting and breakfast at the restaurant, then departure for the walk-Excursion to Val d'Inferno (three hours).
At 12.30 pm lunch at the restaurant Ruffoni. You can participate in two days at a cost of 70 € (with 50% discount for children under 12 years), including dinner, bed, breakfast and lunch.

The conference, entitled "Alternative Tourism popular with hotels' initiative is part of" Nevediversa, "which is the winter edition of the Caravan of the Alps, where Legambiente campaign complaint against the aggressions perpetrated in the name of the mountain a misconception and impressive development.

L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Thursday, March 3, 2011, page 49


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