La Carbonara taketh Maltraverso and remains in command.
Match angular, Rotobrawn besieged the referee in the dressing room.
A Carbonara cynical and gritty crease the resistance of the cottage and a 6-2 stretch in the standings while his head. The first half ends at 5-1 for the Carbonara that spreads only on the end of the first fraction through determination and perseverance worthy of a great team. And to say that the trip had not started successfully, Mister Mulinacci had to renounce it is to Night Porter that Bartolo addition to the usual long-term care. With the nurse full port was called in the young Leo Terz who took up the cause carbonarina appeared between the posts and pulling out a performance to say the least capital.
The original quintet was composed over the Portierino by Captain Pecchioni top down, the wings and Piccio Becker and before Pizzo Bomber , available to the coach on the bench were Re magus , Cream , Bruttins and Sciacca. After starting to study the balance between the teams break off with a great goal to Pizzo Casole but could rebalance the meeting after a few minutes accomplice defensive inattention. La Carbonara then broke out and started to take football goalkeeper who had to succumb to other 4 times, with 3 and 1 with Becker Piccio ! In the second half the game s'innervosiva, because any arbitration decision reversed, and the game was interrupted for several minutes to quell the fight, fortunately without consequences. The finish is 6-2 for the Carbonara with the second goal of Piccio and several poles and mistakes in front of goal by gioattori. In the final international Rotobrawn was besieged in the locker room, shouting " Cannonbolt afraid and called the police ” ( vedi foto, ndr ). La vittoria non è stata mai a rischio, la squadra ha giocato con un’intensità importante e con una forte concentrazione come appunto ha detto il mister ai nostri microfoni subito dopo il match: “ Grande vittoria, i ragazzi hanno giocato molto bene, determinati, cinici, si sono aiutati l’un con l’altro, nel finale abbiamo gestito molto bene facendo girare la palla, insomma sono molto molto soddisfatto! Dobbiamo però rimanere con i piedi per terra e pensare ad una partita alla volta. Siamo cresciuti molto e le vittorie aiutano anche per il morale, speriamo da qui alla fine del campionato di recuperare qualcuno perché abbiamo bisogno di tutti! Dedichiamo infatti gioattori this victory to all injured and unavailable. A praise to the boys on the bench today who have played less but when they entered did their best for the team. We took off and carry on like this much satisfaction! "
report cards of Zuliani
Portierino _ 9 to be commended for the desire and commitment to safety demonstrated over between the posts. GATE
Pecchioni _8 opponents try to avoid it because they can not break through. GIANT
Piccio _ 8 runs, attacks, defends, scores ... there are no words to praise this gioattore COMPLETE
Becker _ 8.5 The agreement Lace is improving from game to game and then make 3 goals from strong applause. CYNIC THE POINT RIGHT
Pizzo _8, 5 ditto and great enthusiasm, self-denial tactics, etc recoveries. etc. obtains a resounding no penalty whistled Rotobrawn uncertain. Unobstructed lens for Casole
Re _7 magus fails to break the wind but in the 10 'that is in the field also hit a post. Exit exhausted in apnea. EL GRINTA
Cream _6, 5 stimulates the pair of attack, he comes in apnea. PRECIOUS
Sciacca _6, 5 is the last 5 'instead of the inexhaustible Pizzo, striking a pole touched an incredible own goal and only puts Becker front of the goalkeeper. PRECIOUS
Bruttins _7 not enter but makes an important contribution from the bench speech inciting opponents. It should Fastellini
_7 The executive guide provides an important contribution to spurring the gioattori. Volitional
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